Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177001-177020 of all 183,729 gems.
139,2682hola_hal13A simple hello world gem
139,2682api_version_constraintRails routing constraint for api versioning in query params using the v param.
139,2682weeksagoWeekago is a method to find out how many weeks ago the date entered is from the base da...
139,2682webex-eventsThis gem simplifies to connect the Webex Evnet's public API server.
139,2682larsburgess-rest-clientA simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of...
139,2682cm-cloudwatchloggerLogger => CloudWatchLogs
139,2682nfe_generatorGerador e validador de cahves nfe
139,2682great-west-life-cliSubmit claims with one command instead of clicking through an awful UI
139,2682JonathanTron-specjourDistribute your spec suite amongst your LAN via Bonjour.
139,2682special_fried_linksExtend Rails link_to with a cool CRUD based dsl.
139,2682cdfgControl/Data Flow Graph builder to represent the program control flow and variable defi...
139,2682yelp-hackThe yelp rubygem provides a Ruby object-oriented interface to the Yelp REST API descri...
139,2682class-callbacksClass ancestors are taken in consideration.
139,2682news-api-ruby-railsNews API SDK gem
139,2682gulp_railsA library to assist with compiling assets with Rails at request-time.
139,2682uppercrustConvert your JSON schema files to Mantle compatible Objective-C models
139,2682fix-trinity-outputSee readme
139,2682spira-active_record_isomorphismsspira-active_record_isomorphisms creates and manages bijections between Spira and Activ...
139,2682yg_for_me_test_gemputs time
139,2682beenverifiedBeenVerified is a web service designed to build trust into the meetings and interaction...