Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176961-176980 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220merchant_sidekickA light-weight E-commerce plugin.
97,7220threadsafe-lruThread safe implemenation of in-memory LRU cache compatible with Java Memory Model
97,7220nothingGem that do nothing at all
97,7220s3ftpRun an FTP server that persists all data to an Amazon S3 bucket
97,7220super_mega_ultra_capistrano_extensionsCommon deployment options
97,7220ingramj-bitarrayA bit array class for Ruby, implemented as a C extension. Includes methods for setting ...
97,7220cassyAn engine that provides a CAS server to the application it's included within.
97,7220br_waveformGenerate PNG waveform from audio files, not requiring libsndfiles, could perfect on her...
97,7220side_boomThe .gitlab-ci.yml is hard to maintain if your project grows, and its hard to determi...
97,7220spec_markerMark the timestamp of RSpec example starts/ends, and log other stuff for profiling
97,7220CSV-datagenA free tool for generating random data for testing purposes.
97,7220translatableThis game was build to make whole proccess of working with translation for DM to be alm...
97,7220my_string_extend_mepisto learn how to publish a gem
97,7220simple-statisticsDSL for statistics
97,7220rprovRprov is a simple command line utility which helps you provision an...
97,7220faviconduitdownload a webpage's favicon
97,7220smfbotIRC bot engine build for #smf.sh and related channels.
97,7220baidu_crawlerThe Baidu Crawler is to crawl data with your demmand
97,7220sokobanrbin order to have fun playing with opengl, i use existing sokoban project , so no rights...
97,7220httpcodeAllows you to specify http status codes by name rather than magic numbers for more read...