Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176961-176980 of all 183,729 gems.
139,2682netflix-spectator-rbconfEmpty configuration package to occupy the namespace on RubyGems.
139,2682wordify_kait_andersonA couple methods to make strings cool
139,2682dyn-taskDynamic tasks system.
139,2682heretoforediseases that heretofore were usually confined to rural areas
139,2682sluggable_neilThe best slug gem ever.
139,2682contacts-gdiggsA universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including...
139,2682ambert-simplekissA simple library which adds KISSMetrics javascript to your pages, based on a YAML confi...
139,2682jake3030-sunspot_with_kaminariExtends sunspot to be compatible with kaminari for pagination
139,2682namxam-ts-delayed-deltaManage delta indexes via Delayed Job for Thinking Sphinx (including fix for bundler)
139,2682capybara-composeWrite tests that everyone can understand, and leverage your Ruby skills to keep them ea...
139,2682bitswarmboxboxes takes the complexity out of building custom Vagrant boxes. It's a command li...
139,2682json_assertionsProvides test assert methods useful for validate JSON documents. It also provides helpe...
139,2682gitstats-rbGenerates statistics of git repositories like http://gitstats.sourceforge.net but with ...
139,2682overloadAllows instance methods to be overloaded. Also functions with inheritance. Meth...
139,2682facebooker-micahFacebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[http://facebook.com] {REST API}[http://w...
139,2682signalfx-pg-instrumentationOpenTracing instrumentation to trace queries made using the Postgres Ruby driver
139,2682leenookx-calais-utilsCalais access tools.
139,2682uglifier_with_source_mapsUglifierWithSourceMaps overrides parts of sprockets to create sourcemaps using uglifier...
139,2682codebreaker_garageCodebreaker is a logic game in which a code-breaker tries to break a secret code create...
139,2682collection_controllerA great concern for basic Rail's collection/member style controllers.