Daily Downloads Ranking
Most downloads last day.
176961-176980 of all 184,353 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
51,323 | 0 | cejo | = Cejo home :: https://git.sr.ht/~easbarbosa/cejo bugs :: https://git.sr.ht/~easbarbos... |
51,323 | 0 | rabbit-slide-kou-sapporoonga-20140329 | Droongaはまだ新しいプロダクトなのであまり情報がありません。今回はそんな Droongaを使いはじめる方法を紹介します。 |
51,323 | 0 | mongo_web | Mongo_Web is a sinatra application for viewing MongoDB databases. If the code ... |
51,323 | 0 | rog | Rake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and dependencies are specified i... |
51,323 | 0 | uuid_it | You need to assign UUIDs to your model? UuidIt makes it as simple as adding one line of... |
51,323 | 0 | sslackey | Checks a certificate via ocsp or crl to see if it has been revoked |
51,323 | 0 | celluloid_pubsub | CelluloidPubsub is a simple ruby implementation of publish subscribe design patterns us... |
51,323 | 0 | certificate-transparency-client | A client for RFC6962 Certificate Transparency log servers |
51,323 | 0 | git-conflict-blame | Git command that shows the blame on the lines that are in conflict |
51,323 | 0 | tracks-attributes | Sometimes you just need to know what your accessors are at runtime, like when you're wr... |
51,323 | 0 | opennorth-represent | Ruby Client for represent.opennorth.ca's API |
51,323 | 0 | gem-search | search gems with using rubygems.org API |
51,323 | 0 | paperclip_i18n | This gem depends on the paperclip gem and Rails 3.1. A separate file can be uploaded fo... |
51,323 | 0 | nitpick | A link-like static code analyzer for Ruby |
51,323 | 0 | spree_carrierwave | Spree extension to use carrierwave/fog instead of paperclip. |
51,323 | 0 | usenkogem | A simple hello world gem |
51,323 | 0 | centerstage | Centerstage is a command line script to generate Sinatra based applications with data m... |
51,323 | 0 | stock_quote | Retrieve book, chart, company, delayed quote, dividends, earnings, effective spread, fi... |
51,323 | 0 | heroku_scale_scheduler | scaling scheduler for heroku dynos/workers |
51,323 | 0 | automaker | Will monitor a directory using fsevents api and call make when something changes. Only ... |