Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177081-177100 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830richdownie-gritCross-Browser automated with Cucumber and Watir
74,4830snusnu-dm-is-localizableDatamapper support for localization of content in multilanguage applications
74,4830reactive_rails_generatorThis gem provide rails generators for react.rb
74,4830redis-messagesA messaging library with outbox/inbox system utilizing the power of both Redis and SQL....
74,4830mongrel_raw_outputThe mongrel_raw_output GemPlugin for bypassing Mongrel's headers
74,4830fakutori-sanFakutoriSan is a lean model factory plugin which uses vanilla Ruby to define the factor...
74,4830msgpack-coderUse MessagePack for ActiveRecord serialization.
74,4830es2Gem description
74,4830mongrel_secure_downloadMongrel Secure Download Plugin
74,4830zombifyZombifies strings in your application.
74,4830file-timestampgenerate file timestamp with JSON format
74,4830jquery-rails-aristoIntegrates the "Aristo" jQuery UI Theme (see https://github.com/taitems/Aristo-jQuery-U...
74,4830nbrew-country_selectCountry Select with 2-code support.
74,4830GoogleReaderApia google reader api (unofficial) written in ruby
74,4830ruby-wunderlistWunderlist Bindings for Ruby
74,4830rick-vladVlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation, without mercy. Much l...
74,4830rails3-redis-session-storeA drop-in replacement for e.g. MemCacheStore to store Rails sessions (and Rails session...
74,4830license-generatorGenerate an open source license file in your project.
74,4830solutious-rudyRudy: Not your grandparents' EC2 deployment tool.
74,4830gitorious-munin-pluginsA binary that can be used as Munin plugins for a Gitorious server by linking to it unde...