Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177041-177060 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220rfpdfA template plugin allowing the inclusion of ERB-enabled RFPDF template files.
97,7220cloud-makerCloudMaker is a tool for launching and configuring EC2 instances. It works as an extens...
97,7220hockeylogAggregate multiple hockeyapp notes into a single changelog.
97,7220poxassets for ipanel
97,7220hiramekiredis based one time token generator.
97,7220notarizeFor basic web services that don't want just anyone to have access. Generates signature ...
97,7220barnyard_dnsThis gem provides access to the DNS objects for use with BarnyardHarvester.
97,7220srsA Spaced Repetition System is a study tool which works by spacing out exercises so as ...
97,7220hyperdriveRuby DSL for defining self-documenting, HATEOAS™ compliant, Hypermedia API endpoints.
97,7220sterlingThis is a ruby gem that can be used to interact with the Retailigence API. The response...
97,7220r2d-takaokoujiR2D original: https://github.com/blacktm/r2d. This is temporary gem.
97,7220pakadaModularization contract for web applications
97,7220rcommandA generic interactive command handler.
97,7220sitemap_builderRails plugins to build sitemap.xml
97,7220simplecov-sublime-ruby-coverageSublime Ruby Coverage formatter for SimpleCov
97,7220route53webA rack mountable web interface for viewing Amazon Route53 DNS records.
97,7220omniauth-google-oauth2-mosesA Google oauth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.0
97,7220roketroket launches instances
97,7220couch_tomatoRuby persistence layer for CouchDB, inspired by and forked from Couch Potato
97,7220redis-repeaterAutomatically move events from one redis queue to the same queue on another server