Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177301-177320 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830logstash-output-opentsdb_using_filter_metricsThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
74,4830jsontoerbGem to render erb template using json data
74,4830dirmangledirmangle is a tool for copying, moving, or creating symlinks to sets of files using re...
74,4830ice_rocketA Rubygem for the IceRocket API
74,4830databasedotcom-convenienceConvenience classes to make using the databasedotcom gem even easier
74,4830divertAdds a route helper and controller action to catch 404 pages. 404s are stored in the da...
74,4830vagrant-hostentriesvagrant-hosts is a Vagrant plugin to manage /etc/hosts entries on both the host OS and ...
74,4830remarkable_devise_invitableRemarkable RSpec matchers for devise_invitable models. It should be used with remarkabl...
74,4830aldebaranAldebaran is Web-development DSL micro-framework written with Mathematical Constructions
74,4830rghost-ruby1.9-betaRuby Ghostscript Engine is a document creation and conversion API, support(PDF,PS,GIF,T...
74,4830doculabA Rails Engine for a simple file-based CMS, suitable for a documentation site. Origina...
74,4830dot_usageFile format and utility to control building, running and testing source code.
74,4830dockscansecurity vulnerability and audit scanner for Docker installations.
74,4830in_jsonJSON serialization for Rails. Straight-forward attributes. Only serialize what you want...
74,4830doodle_clientProvides a way to programmatically vote on polls/schedules from doodle.com
74,4830doubleshotDoubleshot will download dependencies on demand, compile your Java sources and let you ...
74,4830drawghtDrawght is a data handler for texts without logical statements. The goal is to use a da...
74,4830dragonfly-scp_data_storeA dragonfly datastore adapter for saving your images on remote stores using scp and ssh.
74,4830dolores-ruby-crowdflowerA toolkit for interacting with CrowdFlower via the REST API. This is alpha software in...
74,4830ryanb-factory_girlfactory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error...