Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177261-177280 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830slingshotSet of server setup tasks for use with Slingshot Hosting
74,4830jasminericeFull support for the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline when bdd'ing your coffeescript or javascr...
74,4830derived_imagesResize images, lower quality to save bytes, rotate, crop, convert between formats, and ...
74,4830derobo-ofdbA Ruby wrapper for www.ofdb.de, a german movie indexing page like www.imdb.com.
74,4830delayed_job_prevent_duplicateImprove Delayed Job to prevent a task already enqueued to be enqueue a second time.
74,4830rubysouth-tokyo_modelThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
74,4830rughetto-rear_viewsGenerators REST views for a resource, so that complex views and forms can be easily bui...
74,4830demingfactor-paper_trail_managerBrowse, subscribe, view and revert changes to records when using Rails and the `paper_t...
74,4830dev_shopify_theme*Insecure* command line tool to help with developing Shopify themes. Provides simple co...
74,4830devise_campaignableInspired by the now slightly out of date devise_mailchimp this gem works in a similar f...
74,4830destination_errorsUseful when a presenter deals with multiple objects that may enter into error states, a...
74,4830devise-multi-radius-authenticatableA new authentication strategy named radius_authenticatable is added to the list of ward...
74,4830DUIThis gem provides a small API for comparing two datasets, for det...
74,4830digest_perfectAmong other things, this is the hash used to create requests to google's pagerank tool....
74,4830germinate-gistA Germinate plugin for publishing source code to the Gist service (http://gist.github.c...
74,4830feedbackandscreencapAllows website visitors to send annotated screen captures back as feedback. This gem wr...
74,4830dekerneldeKernel is a simple tool that finds installed kernels and automates the removal of any...
74,4830on_the_mapMakes it easy to add functionality to models related to geocoding, addressing and placi...
74,4830reschedulerRescheduler is a library that uses Redis to maintain a task queue of immediate and dela...
74,4830getafreelancerAPI Wrapper for http://getafreelancer.com