Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177281-177300 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830direct_sshIn order to use SSH or SCP without the need to enter password every time, this gem will...
74,4830dispatch_queue_rbDispatchQueueRb is a pure ruby implementation of Grand Central Dispatch concurrency pri...
74,4830digipolitan-apps-toolsDigipolitan Apps Tools is a Ruby library. This module help you building some iOS / Andr...
74,4830dockerciRead configuration of `config/database.yml`, use that information to launch a circleci ...
74,4830discourse_zendesk_apiRuby wrapper for the REST API at https://www.zendesk.com. Documentation at https://deve...
74,4830discodactylDiscodactyl is an experimental toolkit for XRD service discovery documents and related ...
74,4830dm-is-auditedPlugin for DataMapper to allow for simple auditing of models. This plugin does not impl...
74,4830sleuthTransaction logging middleware
74,4830doc_generation_wrapperWrapper for DocRaptor or Local PrinceXML generation of document, purpose is help to dev...
74,4830dialogbindDialogBind is a library providing a cross-platform API for creating dialog and message ...
74,4830validateValidations is a library for validating data structures.
74,4830rughetto-sunlightLibrary for accessing the Sunlight Labs API.
74,4830distributed_demoDemo for my talk at the Scottish Ruby Conference: Distributed Systems with Rack.
74,4830dm-postgisAdds DMGeometry type to DataMapper that uses GeoRuby for (de)serializing Geometry types...
74,4830ftpspecRSpec custom matchers for ftp server.
74,4830dnsaurDnsaur is a simple DNS checker / email corrector for ruby. This gem does three thing...
74,4830eload_selectEager Loader Select Supporter forces :select to play nice with :include when eagerly lo...
74,4830dioramaThis Gem allows Rails applications to store it's view templates in it's database.
74,4830logging-flowdockAn appender for the Logging gem that sends messages to a Flowdock channel
74,4830dialog_tuidsl for simple dialogs/menus for simple terminal ui apps with no other deps currently