Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177221-177240 of all 183,729 gems.
139,2682arel-compatArel is a Relational Algebra for Ruby. It 1) simplifies the generation complex of SQL q...
139,2682file_to_downloadGets the size and age of a file and whether to replace an existing file
139,2682waigs_devWaigs default project template.
139,2682git_dossierGit Dossier is a tool to generate static websites that visualize your git repository in...
139,2682embulk-input-soracom_harvestLoads records from Soracom Harvest.
139,2682avivjfrog-test1This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
139,2682ismedicineA simple gem
139,2682zerodogg-phpdocrA simple way to access PHP documentation from the command-line
139,2682ezopsezops: make ops easy!!
139,2682capichefAllows capistrano to use Chef data, roles and environments for deployment. Provides bas...
139,2682mongoid-multi-dbMongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.
139,2682servifyRunning servify will stop any process on 3000 (rails server default), and run rails ser...
139,2682compagesHere are the main features/aims of the project: * A pleasant user interface * Drag-n-dr...
139,2682upstreamAutomatically fetch from upstream every hour.
139,2682tag_keeshondThis friendly Keeshond gives you tags in your Rails app.
139,2682trenni-wordsProvides a basic profanity/obscenity filter.
139,2682minidbcThis is a simple dbc library for ruby. It emploies alias_method to redefine method, hen...
139,2682backbone-soundmanager2-railsbackbone.soundmanager2 packaged as a gem for use in Rails' asset pipeline