Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177421-177440 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830evm-tx-input-decoderThis is a simple gem that helps decoding and encoding transactions input datafor EVM ba...
74,4830ezpaas-serverA miniature Heroku clone for easy in-house deployments, powered by Docker
74,4830facebook_app_tokenFacebookAppToken enables you to retrieve a Facebook authentication token, which is nece...
74,4830excadgThat's a library (framework) to execute a graph of dependent tasks (vertices). Its ma...
74,4830forforf-aws-sdbUpdate to the aws-sdb gem to support current AWS SimpleDB interface and authentication....
74,4830olek-libcraigscrapeAn easy library to do the heavy lifting between you and Craigslist‘s posting database. ...
74,4830xplannerRuby wrapper for XPlanner+ SOAP interface
74,4830flexFlex is the ultimate ruby client for elasticsearch. It is powerful, fast and efficient,...
74,4830activerecord-jdbcnuodb-adapterActiveRecord adapter for NuoDB. Only for use with JRuby. Requires separate Cache JDBC d...
74,4830fair-gettextRuby-GetText-Package is a GNU GetText-like program for Ruby. The catalog file(po-file) ...
74,4830expectableThis gem extends MiniTest by allowing you to simply include this class on any given cla...
74,4830fabiokung-sexp_processorsexp_processor branches from ParseTree bringing all the generic sexp processing tools w...
74,4830factorylabs-apn_on_railsapn_on_rails was developed by: jeremyjackson
74,4830ember_serializeGenerate ember models from Rails serializers. Uses introspection to find correct associ...
74,4830excel2localMake i18n locales for rails(and other) by a excel file. Send translate to outsourcing? ...
74,4830ext_batchDepending on the ext_logger gem package, create for batch. The batch resource consumpti...
74,4830eztv_scrapereztv_scraper looks for any selected show on eztv.io and saves magnet links of every sin...
74,4830fagiani-jekyllJekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.
74,4830ext_fractionProvides "to_fraction" and to_whole_fraction methods on all ruby floats and numerics.
74,4830event-expectrWraps the Expectr class so that you can "register" a list of several patterns to search...