Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177441-177460 of all 184,353 gems.
51,3230threepwoodBlock all cookies, until user explicitly accepts them, comply with EU cookie law
51,3230db_backupThis is an example application created from the book - Build Awesome Command-Line A...
51,3230webbit-jarsWebbit JARs
51,3230togmanTransfer time from Toggl to Mantis
51,3230ebay-ysrcreate config/initializers/ebay.rb SET ebay app id : Ebay::APPI...
51,3230lita-howlongtobeatA Lita handler that returns the average number of hours required to beat a game from ht...
51,3230coverartA tiny client for the Cover Art Archive web service
51,3230dump_createThis gem creates dump file in temporary directory(if present otherwise create temporary...
51,3230typekitRuby library for accessing the Typekit REST API.
51,3230itgwiki_mirrorUse two scripts, itgwiki_mirror_backup and itgwiki_mirror_deploy, to maintain a rea...
51,3230webcliThis gem will add a black command line bar to the top of your webpage. The code ...
51,3230katteBatch job management tool.
51,3230capistrano-strategy-syncImplements the deployment strategy which does an SCM sync on each target host. Copies t...
51,3230html5_boilerplateHTML5 Boilerplate Ruby Builder - http://github.com/mexpolk/html5_boilerplate
51,3230cuechapterConverts a cuesheet file into a chapter XML file that can be used by ChatperX or Garage...
51,3230sc-ansiHandles every aspect (that I could think of) of dealing with ANSI escape sequences.
51,3230ruby_jsonpathJSONPath support for Ruby
51,3230dbtopSimilar to the Unix 'top' tool, this Ruby gem will provide process monitoring for your ...
51,3230embulk-filter-google_vision_apiGoogle Vision Api filter plugin for Embulk. Very easy image recognition.