Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177461-177480 of all 183,729 gems.
139,2682google_bannersGoogle banners helper gem
139,2682xaop-ntlm-httpRuby/NTLM HTTP provides NTLM authentication over http.
139,2682to_elixirEasily convert your existing Ruby/Rails API to Elixir/Phoenix!
139,2682stashboard-rubyLittle library written to make interacting with the stashboard api a bit easier.
139,2682campaigningInterfaces with the campaign monitor api
139,2682jqueryui_railsNo more need to download JQuery UI... just include jqueryui/yourtheme and everythin...
139,2682transis_loggerLogging, the Transis way
139,2682kent-rpx_nowHelper to simplify RPX Now user login/creation based on Michael Grosser's rpx_now gem
139,2682better_primeAn Uber-fast primality testing library.
139,2682feature-richConditional statement to chose feature in your application
139,2682vagrant-hostentriessvagrant-hosts is a Vagrant plugin to manage /etc/hosts entries on both the host OS and ...
139,2682jekyll-theme-mncA classless, minimal theme for Jekyll based on minima.
139,2682incomplete_dateThis plugin creates a Value Object class that controls the logic of incomplete dates. I...
139,2682auto-rswagConvert raw JSON payloads to Rswag configuration to automate endpoint documentation
139,2682myappFIX (describe your package)
139,2682tourA multi-hosted cli + server package
139,2682text_cleanerSimple gem does one thing, and one thing only... Turns funky chars such as [FILL IN HER...
139,2682ipa_account_checkDisplays AppStore account from .ipa file
139,2682vestel-ponyadamwiggins/pony extended with file attachment, TLS support, content type, custom charset.
139,2682ebicsebics is a ruby implementation of the EBIC standard (H004) It supports the complet...