Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178141-178160 of all 182,229 gems.
66,1540serverdensity-herokuA gem for running the Server Density agent on heroku
66,1540rack-restful-controllerRack application, "RESTful" Rails style.
66,1540r2dor2do is a simple todo gem which allows you to create Tasks and group them by Category. ...
66,1540rabbit-slide-kenhys-groonga-osc2013-spring2013年2月22日、2月23日にわたって開催されたOSC 2013 Tokyo/Sprintにて行われた 第8回 日本OSS貢献者賞・奨励賞 授賞式後の懇親会でのLTです。
66,1540open_graph_protocolA gem to facilitate populating the open graph protocol metatags on a web page as part o...
66,1540table_form_builderTable-based form builder for Rails 3
66,1540docketeerThis gem will create a new folder structure for new projects and place them in a folder...
66,1540orangeweb_bootstrap_helperHelpers that makes easier the use of Twitter Bootstrap with Ruby on Rails
66,1540webget_ruby_person_nameWebGet Ruby Gem: PersonName mixin methods to calculate a person's full name, sortable n...
66,1540maximFIX (describe your package)
66,1540bio-assemblybioruby plugin to parse, write, and manipulate assembly data
66,1540depagerA self extensible parser generator.
66,1540fabulator-exhibitProvides language extensions to manage Exhibit-style NoSQL databases.
66,1540archive_treeArchiveTree is a Ruby Gem that makes it easy for you to create beautiful chronological ...
66,1540array_partitionA little gem that gives you all partitions of an array into at most k sub-arrays
66,1540yahoo-answersAn interface to Yahoo! Answers service
66,1540snip-snapA ruby library that allows you to extract images from popular image-sharing services
66,1540certified-net-http-requestsGem for dealing with `SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificat...
66,1540xbox_liveLog into Xbox Live and retrieve information about a player