Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178241-178260 of all 183,707 gems.
49,1800micetrapCatch evil hackers on the fly by placing open-port traps emulating fake vulnerable serv...
49,1800minitest_rails_toolsA collection of helpers for integrating Rails and Minitest.
49,1800srasAsset server for use with OpenSimulator
49,1800ruby-mprisThe mpris gem allows you to control media players that follow the MPRIS specification.
49,1800sprock-assetsSprockAssets is a Rack Middleware you can include in your application for compiling you...
49,1800mogo24rmogo24r is mogo2API-library for ruby. mogo2 is Japanese micro-blog.
49,1800palA miniature Ruby read-evaluate-print loop for project-specific shells.
49,1800configarrrActually it's not. It's just a way of handling configuration.
49,1800fuselageLightWeight Github API v3 Wrapper
49,1800sage_partysage_party is a simple interface to SagePay's Server service built on top of party_reso...
49,1800open_graph_protocolA gem to facilitate populating the open graph protocol metatags on a web page as part o...
49,1800giannichiappetta-contactsA universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including...
49,1800packetmanSimple tool for creating advanced tcpdump queries, because manually writing `tcp[((tcp[...
49,1800giraffesoft-is_taggabletagging that doesn't want to be on steroids. it's skinny and happy to stay that way.
49,1800giraffesoft-tempo_cliCLI for starting and stopping time using the Tempo time tracker.
49,1800fdl_delayed_jobDelayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...
49,1800netnoopCollects and stores your outgoing HTTP requests in NetNoop.requests for later inspectio...
49,1800ruby-hdfsNative C bindings to Hadoop's libhdfs, for interacting with Hadoop HDFS.
49,1800dijonSimple performance-focused Javascript DOM extensions and utilities. For those times whe...
49,1800sq_ruby_grepIt just the training project.