Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178221-178240 of all 182,267 gems.
73,9730leaflet_helperDO NOT USE.... its a broken toy and I do not have the motivation to fix it. For those o...
73,9730le_mm_palindromeMy version of the Palindrome detector from "Learn enough Ruby" by Michael Hartl palindr...
73,9730lions-jekyll-themeA custom theme built specfically for my website https://ablion.dev, now with support fo...
73,9730twitter_atmA simple command line tool for navigating Twitter's Pin-based OAuth path and outputting...
73,9730linkedobjectA linked object is a holy object with the power to change itself according to the world.
73,9730linkableParsing libraries been getting outdated as the web evolve. Linkable takes a scalable ap...
73,9730libguibHelper library for the Fox GUI builder
73,9730linqLINQ introduces standard, easily-learned patterns for querying and updating data, and t...
73,9730lint_searchLintSearch is a an application which searchs for a keyword and then lints the first res...
73,9730ee_recipesRecipes to deploy and manage expression engine with capistrano
73,9730itisRuby API for TIS / Telefonski Imenik Slovenije
73,9730mageoMAth GEOmetry library to deal with 2 and 3 dimensional spaces. Cartesian and intern...
73,9730lightning_sitesLightning Sites gives you beautifully simple deployment for your ~/Sites folders, inspi...
73,9730LinkGrouperGiven a text file as input, will group similar links/URLs (or find unique links) and wr...
73,9730librarian-puppet-simple-forceSimplify deployment of your Puppet infrastructure by automatically pulling in modules...
73,9730libosrmRuby bindings for OSRM’s C++ API, providing faster and more customizable interaction wi...
73,9730leftronicapiProvides a set of functions to update Leftronic dashboard widgets with custom data. Dat...
73,9730xkcdA simple gem to get random img/comic url from xkcd
73,9730pretty-diffUses the unix diff utility to create pretty html diffs from two files or two strings.