Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178201-178220 of all 183,707 gems.
49,1800formtastic-plus-flatuiIntegration of flat-ui with formtastic with the help of font-awesome, bootstrap and for...
49,1800api_versioningAPI versioning for rails projects. An extraction from the launch.ly project
49,1800yakischloba-em-croncron-style methods for timers in EventMachine
49,1800yakischloba-ktoolsBringing common kernel APIs into Ruby using FFI
49,1800netlink_proc_eventNetlink bindings to subscribe to process events (exec, fork, etc.).
49,1800calcilatorA Simple Calculator
49,1800settable_constructor_variablesHyper lazy way of setting instance variables automatically by passing them to your cons...
49,1800boxeyBoxey provides the [] element reference operator to ActiveRecord classes. # Installati...
49,1800cache_backA rewrite of cache money
49,1800billymeltdown-choctopBuild and deploy tools for Cocoa apps using Sparkle for distributions and upgrades; it...
49,1800css2lessA ruby library which convert old CSS stylesheet into LESS dynamic stylesheet.
49,1800misc_validatorsA collection of misc usefull validators for ActiveRecord::Base (email, URL)
49,1800odiskRemote Encrypted File Synchronization, oDisk
49,1800deploy_trackingTracking capistrano deploys in a deploy log file in the repository
49,1800siterestSimple content service
49,1800easy_backupSimple DSL to program backups
49,1800netherNether is a rails engine for easily adding endless page functionality to paginated cont...
49,1800custerdmakes the error callbacks on your rails forms a bit prettier when you are using the boo...
49,1800feedback_popupSimple feedback popup for Rails 3 applications.
49,1800perfectaRuby client for the PerfectAudience Reporting API