Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179321-179340 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220modulrA CommonJS module implementation in Ruby for client-side JavaScript
97,7220radiant-reader-extensionProvides reader/member/user registration and management functions including password-re...
97,7220minitest-predicatesAdds support for .predicate? methods to MiniTest (via method_missing)
97,7220rack-environmentalRack::Environmental indicates which environment your web application is running i...
97,7220conditionzAssert pre-conditions and post-conditions inside methods
97,7220rack-geoipcityRack::GeoIPCity uses the geoip gem and the GeoIP database to lookup the city of a reque...
97,7220rails-jquery-form-validatorjQuery Form Validator is a feature rich jQuery plugin that makes it easy to validate us...
97,7220rails_devs_for_data_integrityRails Devs For Data Integrity catches unique key and foreign key violations coming ...
97,7220cornerstone-sourceCornerstone provides a solid foundation for working with JavaScript. It aggressively sh...
97,7220railsgarden-has_meta_dataCreate one model backed by a primary table and a supplementary 'meta' table.
97,7220rails_s3_uploaderGem that makes it easy to integrate and upload files to AWS S3 using Active Storage. Pa...
97,7220refinerycms-snippetsRuby on Rails Snippets engine for Refinery CMS
97,7220milk_dipperRememberTheMilk ruby wrapper
97,7220rails_jquery_cropperIntegrates fengyuanchen's jQuery cropper with Rails' asset pipeline
97,7220rails_form_builder_param_nameAdds a method to Rails helpers which returns the value of the name attribute on fields ...
97,7220posterous-lacquerRails drop in for Varnish support.
97,7220rails_notebookRun Rails commands in your web browser for some customised, useful outputs
97,7220rails_driveA rails plugin for Google drive that enables drive documents and folders to act like ac...
97,7220rails-bootstrap-datepickerA simple Bootstrap date picker based on uxsolutions/bootstrap-datepicker. GitHub Repo...
97,7220rails_before_renderJust as before_filter in controllers, this one will be executed just before render occurs.