Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179261-179280 of all 183,690 gems.
55,8670acts-as-taggable-hstoreWith ActsAsTaggableHstore, you can tag a single model that uses postgres hstore type
55,8670vagrant-localdebUses local .deb files instead of apt-get to install rsync and an NFS client on Debian
55,8670spork-rdebugide-testunitTest Unit runner for spork with rdebug-ide integration (for rubymine)
55,8670rubyrepOpen-source solution for asynchronous, master-master replication of relational databases.
55,8670growl-glueEasy configuration of Growl + Autotest
55,8670validates-structureUses the power and familiarity of ActiveModel::Validations to validate hash structures....
55,8670jarrett-quartoQuarto is a Ruby framework for generating collections of documents from XML. It steps i...
55,8670deploifydeploify - capistrano based and deprec inspired deploy solution served as a gem
55,8670sprockets-cache-redisA Redis cache store for Sprockets
55,8670jashmenn-git-style-binariesRidiculously easy git-style binaries
55,8670url_trackerA simple tool for tracking URLs and getting informed when they are changed.
55,8670vagrant-bundlewrapEnables Vagrant to provision machines with BundleWrap. This Plugin is formerly known as...
55,8670motion-mastrGet your NSMutableAttributedString on with RubyMotion!
55,8670volt-mailerA simple way to send e-mail from within a Volt app.
55,8670ogn_client-rubyOGN (glidernet.org) broadcasts aircraft positions as APRS/APRS-IS messages. This gem ho...
55,8670football__dataruby api wrapper of football-data.org and a executable
55,8670epages-restA Ruby interface that allows to integrate any Epages Shop with any ruby framework via E...
55,8670yinspireAn efficient Spiking Neural Net Simulator
55,8670rspec-rrHelping Rspec and Rspec-rails play nicely with RR the test double framework.
55,8670goptgopt is a simple wrapper of getoptlong of an object-oriented scripting language Ruby.