Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179261-179280 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220shipwireProvides a wrapper for API calls to Shipwire
97,7220chameleon-sassA styleless Sass framework for responsive user interfaces
97,7220trinidad_daemonTrinidad daemon based on Apache Commons Daemon and JRuby-jsvc
97,7220rabbit-slide-kou-sezemi-2015-readable-code-code-change2015年のSEゼミの「プログラミングが好きな学生のためのリーダブルコード勉 強会」のコードチェンジのやり方の説明。
97,7220rabbit-slide-kou-sezemi-2015-oss-hack-weekend-conclusion12015年のSEゼミの「プログラミングが好きな学生のための勉強会 - OSS Hack Weekend」の1日目のまとめ。
97,7220rabbit-slide-kou-sezemi-2015-oss-hack-weekend-conclusion22015年のSEゼミの「プログラミングが好きな学生のための勉強会 - OSS Hack Weekend」の2日目のまとめ。
97,7220rabbit-slide-myokoym-sinatrasapporo-20150919Sinatraアプリのフロントエンド用パッケージ(JavaScriptやCSSなど)の 管理を楽にするためにBowerやアセットパイプラインを使う話。
97,7220prefixadds ~ to Array and Symbol
97,7220rbeeRbee - A Ruby based toolkit for dealing with expression engine installs.
97,7220uclassifyA gem enabling you to create classsifers and use them using the UClassify API. www.ucla...
97,7220injectorThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
97,7220bombshellGive your application or gem an interactive shell, complete with custom prompts, tab co...
97,7220sinatra-packratPackrat is a Sinantra extension based around the idea of mixing and matching. With Pack...
97,7220selenium-extjsA framework in ruby to test your extjs applications with selenium
97,7220saml-spSAML 2.0 SSO Sevice Provider Library
97,7220beanstalk-adminA number of administration tools for working with beanstalk tubes
97,7220spleenRatings model solution for Rails
97,7220mr_freezeObject#freeze! freezes the contents of arrays and hashes