Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179241-179260 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220irb_callbacks* http://rubysideshow.rubyforge.org/irb_callbacks == DESCRIPTION: This gem adds callb...
97,7220rgen-xsdDerive RGen/ECore metamodels from XML schema and load/store XML documents conforming to...
97,7220short_stackA short sinatra like pancake stack
97,7220ruby-hdfsNative C bindings to Hadoop's libhdfs, for interacting with Hadoop HDFS.
97,7220nestor_growlGrowl as the state of the Nestor machine changes
97,7220time_formatterA convenient wrapper to Time#strftime
97,7220image-optimizerOptimizes given JPEG and PNG images or images in given folder. Uses several encoders fo...
97,7220cmeiklejohn-awsAWS Ruby Library for interfacing with Amazon Web Services. Forked to resolve issues wi...
97,7220rhymedescription of gem
97,7220mkdtempmkdtemp is a C extension that wraps the Standard C Library function of the same nam...
97,7220swakRandom tools and mixins
97,7220befogThe befog gem allows you to manage your cloud servers directly from the command-line.
97,7220birlingMostly drop-in replacement for Logger with a more robust log rotation facility
97,7220qu-airbrakeAirbrake failure backend for qu
97,7220powershopAllows Ruby applications to communicate with the Powershop API
97,7220rack-httperflograck middleware to generate a replay log