Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179281-179300 of all 183,690 gems.
55,8670mnemeWrite a gem description
55,8670purobuBlack-box integration test framework for components on the Heroku platform.
55,8670flexsdk-tasksRake tasks and supporting tools for the Flex 2 SDK
55,8670vibes-rubycas-clientWe've taken the rubycas-client and added some enterprisey features and improved compati...
55,8670gmapperA (mostly) version agnostic, dependency free Ruby library for the Google Maps API. Cur...
55,8670utahpollenExtracts Utah pollen levels from intermountainallergy.com and presents them in a hash
55,8670pew_pewA Ruby client library for using the Mailgun web service.
55,8670deep_freezerThis gem allows you to 'freeze' your ActiveRecord models to Rails compatible fixture fi...
55,8670vissen-parameterizedThis utility library gives objects the ability to declare input dependencies, a transfo...
55,8670vuejs-rails-wrapperA simple way to add Vue.js in your rails project. No need of webpacker. Just add this g...
55,8670pooleThis is a gem for creating JS games using Jekyll, Coffeescript, HAML, and SASS
55,8670merb-searchSearch for Merb
55,8670virtuaservicesThis application is the generic base to handle elements like servers, users, and sessions.
55,8670reaccoReacco makes your readme's pretty.
55,8670ventureSorbet-aware HTTP Client
55,8670memoizable_method_missingOptimize method_missing usage
55,8670jayniz-net-sshNet::SSH: a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol.
55,8670railhead_autouserRailheadAutouser is a Ruby on Rails plugin that automatically sets current_user to models.
55,8670jbarnette-intercessionYour session loves you. Treat her like a lady.
55,8670middleman-presentation-contribExternal contributions for middleman-presentation-helpers etc.