Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179521-179540 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220safety_coneAt times we would want to block certain requests. SafetyCone allows ...
97,7220salesforce-railsConvenience classes to make using the salesforce calender events with Rails apps even e...
97,7220saas_pulse-rubyEnables easy integration of SaaSPulse tracking, with options for different ruby web fra...
97,7220nice-n-easyA set of Sinatra HTML view helpers to make your life nicer and easier. Helpers for form...
97,7220ru_translitTransliterations and detransliterations, using English, German and scientific translite...
97,7220schleyfox-lockfileThis Ruby gem helps to manage processes in your application so that new process won’t s...
97,7220schemata-routerSpecify schema for Router messages and validate messages against defined schema
97,7220sayso-routing-filterRouting filters wraps around the complex beast that the Rails routing system is, allowi...
97,7220bayaSimple backup and archive automation tool
97,7220omniture_testRspec Test for Omniture Integrations
97,7220cucumber-mingleCucumber Mingle Integration
97,7220sashcomputes a 64bit hash using sdbm hash function and outputs a compact string representation
97,7220sensu-plugins-barman-checksThis plugin provides checking of Barman PostgreSQL backup...
97,7220self-notifoThe self-notifo gem sends notifications to your own Notifo account from your Rails appl...
97,7220sensu-extensions-check-depsFilter events when event exists and post message to Slack
97,7220scribelitescribelite gem - inscription / inscribe (ethscription calldata) database for ethereum &...
97,7220scottmotte-merb-auth-moretemporary merb-auth-more for my purposes to use mongomapper
97,7220cowlSee README.md for example usage
97,7220sensu-plugins-mongodb-boutetnicoThis plugin provides native MongoDB instrumentation for m...
97,7220sections_railsSections_rails adds infrastructure to the view layer of Ruby on Rails. It allows to def...