Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179521-179540 of all 184,353 gems.
51,3230littleA ruby client for little.io services
51,3230cudd-rbcudd-rb is a ruby bridge to the CU Decision Diagram (CUDD), an implementation of Binar...
51,3230db_structureDatabase utility for Rails apps
51,3230simple-loginsimple-login creates a basic and simple login system for Rails 3 apps. It is based on R...
51,3230arsecurityA security component for Activerecord, it can manage CRUD permissions with attribute le...
51,3230ulgUltra Light Graphs - Text editor friendly markup language for creating simple graphs.
51,3230snipplrSnipplr gem is intended to be used as command line api to publish delete and view code ...
51,3230gahgah allows you to access some features that Github didn't made available in the APIs
51,3230openlogic-couchrest_modelCouchRest Model provides aditional features to the standard CouchRest Document class su...
51,3230sparqcode-waz-storageA simple implementation of Windows Azure Storage API for Ruby, inspired by the S3 gems ...
51,3230ikhono-ikhono-desertDesert is a component framework for Rails that allows your plugins to be packaged as mi...
51,3230metajpThese tools help setup and install plugins
51,3230leftbrained-ar_mailerForked from adzap-ar_mailer to allow parallel processing of emails by different worker ...
51,3230standard_exceptionsThere is great benefit in adopting a standard library of exceptions. Projects and libra...
51,3230ingoweiss-resourceful_viewsResourcefulViews aims to take RESTful conventions beyond controllers and into views by ...
51,3230rails_copierA simple gem that allows you to copy a rails project
51,3230spohlenz-freshbooksrbFreshBooksRb is a Ruby library for integrating your apps with the FreshBooks API (http:...
51,3230echochamberA ruby gem that simplifies the use of Adobe's EchoSign web API.
51,3230SingaporeBankCodesAccount number to bank branch and bank code converter.
51,3230spud_bannersSpud Banners allows you to create and maintain sets of rotating banners for use on your...