Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179561-179580 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220shell-headerThis Gem was developed specificaly for use with automating Jenkins and the need to have...
97,7220serinetteSerinette is a library with a strongly opionated approach to generating random music fr...
97,7220sharp_aquos_remote_controlThis gem enables remote control functionality for Sharp Aquos televisions.
97,7220sidekiq-custom-queueA Sidekiq plugin for specifying custom/dynamic queues based on the message passed to Si...
97,7220share_meow_clientRuby client for generating ShareMeow URLs (https://github.com/producthunt/ShareMeow)
97,7220honstatsHonStats is a Ruby library for extracting player statistics and other information from ...
97,7220shadowsocks_rubyShadowsocksRuby is a SOCKS (layer 4) like tunnel proxy to help you bypass firewalls.
97,7220sgslibSailboat Guidance System - an autonomous navigation and control system for robotic sail...
97,7220bcodecRuby library for encoding and decoding bencoded data used in the BitTorrent protocol
97,7220server-blender-manifestThis gem is part of the server-blender family (http://astrails.com/opensource/server-bl...
97,7220preferedAllows you to add preferences to any active record model
97,7220sequel-tablefuncSequel extension that facilitates using crosstab function in postgres
97,7220shillingshilling (or schilling) on the blockchain! rock-solid alpine dollar from austria; print...
97,7220shooting_match_finderThis RubyGem presents a list of shooting competitions in your area by scraping ...
97,7220shatter-railsShatter is a generator for Rails that seperates an existing model logic into separate f...
97,7220shopify_app_reviewsShopify App Reviews CLI is a handy utility which provides easy terminal access to app r...
97,7220sentiment-allsentiment-al is Sentiment Analysis Service that allow the analysis of text throught SEN...
97,7220showrssSimple ShowRSS client interface
97,7220ship_compliantThe ShipCompliant gem is an API Client for the SOAP API provided by ShipCompliant. This...
97,7220sidekiq-dejavuDejavu uses Sidkiq's internal scheduling so it doesn't need its own clock and integrate...