Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179581-179600 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220tilecacheAn implementation of TileCache from MetaCarta, written in pure Ruby
97,7220showruby tool for quick debug print statements, like: show(a, b) (prints out '[spec.analyze...
97,7220rdf-sparqlRDF.rb plugin for parsing / writing SPARQL queries
97,7220bplBPL is a gem to help you track your blood pressure and view your records over time
97,7220show_json_exceptionsChanges the default rails 'exception' behavior to render JSON instead of a HTML view (e...
97,7220one_conf_compareclass to enable comparision between url api that return json and file system files
97,7220simd_string_upcaseA SIMD-optimized replacement for Ruby's String#length method for x86_64 architectures
97,7220silk_iconsThe Silk icon set is a collection of 1,000 16x16 PNG icons created by Mark James. This ...
97,7220bs_form_builderA Rails form builder for bootstrap style forms.
97,7220calculable_attrsImagine you have an Account model which has many transactions. calculable_attrs gem...
97,7220simple_listing_railsThis gem provides easy and flexible way to write listing actions in your Rails app. It ...
97,7220similarityTextCoefficientsEnter two strings and it compares their similarity and gives a score between 0 and 1, w...
97,7220simplecov_s3_codeclimateMerges simplecov output using S3 as shared storage. Once all coverage is compiled, push...
97,7220simple_termYou can manage the beginning and ending date time of a term. You can also check whether...
97,7220signed_requestA simple gem that allows you to sign HTTP requests between two parties with a shared se...
97,7220silicaWeb application framework spcialized for the single page applications using Opalrb.
97,7220soft_destroyableRails 3 ActiveRecord compatible soft destroy implementation supporting dependent associ...
97,7220MockActiveRecordMock ActiveRecord Classes
97,7220simple_update_fieldYour resources text attributes will gain inplace update ability with keybindings for qu...
97,7220simple_notificationsA very simple gem providing the notifications functionality to any model in a Rails app...