Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179541-179560 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220history_fileA File like class that supports versioning by date and has a fallback to older files
97,7220seedifyLet your seed code become a first-class member of the Rails app and put it into seed ob...
97,7220unificUnific is a ruby unification engine. A unification engine is an essential part of a lo...
97,7220simple_gcmsimple_gcm sends push notifications to Android devices via google GCM
97,7220quickieQuickie adds Object#should, Object#should_not, and Object#stub methods for quick and ea...
97,7220scoverageScoverage is a Ruby utility for parsing scoverage.xml from scalac-scoverage-plugin and ...
97,7220cap-strapBootstrap a machine. Install packages, create a deploy user, upload authorized keys and...
97,7220rails-backup-migrateCreates a directory db/backup in the rails app and creates / loads YML files from there...
97,7220send_file_with_correct_file_namesend_file or send_data using utf-8 file name with multi-browser compatible
97,7220select2_railsSelect2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote d...
97,7220sensu-plugins-network-interfaceThis plugin provides facilities to monitoring network interfaces on Linux
97,7220scrollytelling-pageflow-navigationReplace Pageflow navigation with Scrollytelling navigation
97,7220sneakers_exponential_retryExponential Retry Handler for Sneakers that just works.
97,7220bibsyncBibSync is a tool to synchronize scientific papers and BibTeX bibliography files. It au...
97,7220iisadminmanager IIS Web Server
97,7220session_loggerA simple rails engine that makes logging and testing easier
97,7220shaider-studentsThis gem contains models and controllers for students app. You need to make your own vi...
97,7220session_attributesStore attributes in handy singletons for Rails/ActionDispatch sessions
97,7220set_git_hooks_dirset_git_hooks_dir is a deadly simple gem to configure your Git hooks on package install...
97,7220mtrackMTrack extends the functionality of modules and classes and enables them to define publ...