Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180721-180740 of all 182,129 gems.
71,9710ripl-color_errorThis ripl plugin allows you to color errors in the console.
71,9710rubeusRubeus provides you an easy access to Java objects from Ruby scripts on JRuby
71,9710derpThis gem retired, due to conerns about ableism. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ableism
71,9710DistelliServiceFrameworkRailsDistelli Service Framework for Ruby on Rails based servers
71,9710friend_collectionA way to pull all of a given users friends/followers
71,9710glebm-nokogiriNokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features i...
71,9710warningsWarnings provides a searchable and more readable Warning Message facility for Ruby. Wit...
71,9710dm-hibernate-migrationsDataMapper plugin for writing and speccing migrations
71,9710rxcodeA Ruby interface for working with XCode projects.
71,9710jordanyeo-simple-navigationWith the simple-navigation gem installed you can easily create multilevel navigations f...
71,9710ipmiIPMI gem
71,9710livequery-railsLive Query utilizes the power of jQuery selectors by binding events or firing callbacks...
71,9710vebdewGenerate HTML5 slides
71,9710ruinedruined is Ruby Source Level Debugger for educational purpose.
71,9710epn-apiRuby wrapper for the Environmental Paper Network API
71,9710redis-cf-pluginCreate & bind dedicated Redis to Cloud Foundry apps using Bosh
71,9710omniauth-humanapiOmniAuth strategy for HumanAPI.
71,9710mynewsletterbuilderThe MNB API is an easy way to directly manipulate your mailing needs through an xmlrpc ...
71,9710network_railProvides a Ruby wrapper for consuming Network Rail Data Feeds
71,9710alef-railsthe Alef font bundled as an asset for the rails asset pipeline (http://alef.hagilda.com/)