Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180801-180820 of all 183,524 gems.
53,1960tapajos-braidA simple tool for tracking vendor branches in git.
53,1960mkv2m4vmkv2m4v is a command line utility that converts audio and video tracks from a MKV (Matr...
53,1960lita-envLita plugin to store the status of your environments
53,1960capistrano-invokeThis gem provides `invoke` task to Capistrano 3.
53,1960feed-processorFeed Processor is a multi-stage feed processor built with JRuby, MRI, beanstalk and Mon...
53,1960apnserverA toolkit for proxying and sending Apple Push Notifications
53,1960capshCapistrano shell
53,1960annyongAnnyong starts a public static Web server in the current directory, allowing people in ...
53,1960mark_stories_as_finisehdPivotalTracker + Github
53,1960voltron-translateImplements double underscore method for translating and interpolating phrases
53,1960font-awesome-more-sass-railsFont Awesome More, SASS version, with assets pipeline, for Rails 3.1+
53,1960dice_rollerdice_roller is a pure ruby application that rolls dice for role playing games. it i...
53,1960block_jsAn unobtrusive way to write and organize your javascript. Logic for each block goes to ...
53,1960rspec-integrationAdds a capybara integration test group to RSpec 2.
53,1960active_dynamodbRails ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB.
53,1960coercionAn ActiveRecord plugin to strip whitespace from strings and coerce empty strings to nil...
53,1960rescue_meProvides a convenience method to retry blocks of code that might fail due to temporary ...
53,1960shachocommandline heroku account manager
53,1960textfilterActiveRecord/Rails filter text fields before assigning them