Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180781-180800 of all 181,553 gems.
40,3100after-commit-on-actionAdds the following callbacks to your ActiveRecord objects and observers: after_commit_o...
40,3100extjsmlExtJS Markup Language for ExtJS4 based on YAML ...
40,3100rtrailRTrail wraps the TestRail API v2.0 in Ruby objects
40,3100OrbjsonLib for creating JSON-RPC server applications.
40,3100mashapeThe Mashape Ruby client library needed to consume APIs on Mashape
40,3100geohex-genThis gem is a simple utility to generate one or more geohexes
40,3100judopayRuby gem for using the Judopay API
40,3100rekiqRekiq extends Sidekiq to allow the scheduling of recurring wo...
40,3100vagrant-hmurcaHmurca's formation Vagrant plugin.
40,3100openfireRuby client for the Openfire API. Provides access to Group, User, and Room service APIs.
40,3100reelagram-mailHandles mail from [email protected]
40,3100pdns-remotebackendThis gem provides a base class and helpers for writing remotebackend servers for pipe/u...
40,3100subtitle_converterConvert video subtitles from one to another format. Currently only STL and SRT
40,3100akane-kinesisstorage plugin for akane that post to Amazon Kinesis.
40,3100odsProvides a command line and API interface to extract data from ods spreadsheets.
40,3100lita-wordnikA Lita handler for dictionary functionality backed by Wordnik.
40,3100genecrmodA module which allows the GENE gyrokinetic code to be run using the CodeRunner framework.
40,3100octopress-assign-tagA powerful replacement for the Liquid assign tag
40,3100imdb_posterDownload movie posters from IMDB. Just give the name of the movie, and the path to wher...