Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180781-180800 of all 182,229 gems.
66,1540roachclipLet you upload images and have use paperclip's hotness to post process them
66,1540databasedotcom-oauth2OAuth2 Rack Middleware for database.com/salesforce.com.
66,1540cfrubyCfruby provides a large array of helpful modules, classes, and tools for simple, powerf...
66,1540protector-cancanIntegration layer between Protector and CanCan
66,1540sfpagentA Ruby implementation of SFP agent.
66,1540agrismart_ruby_mapnikA set of bindings between Ruby and Mapnik. Supports many of the common uses for Mapnik...
66,1540betterificThis gem is a Ruby interface to the Betterific API.
66,1540phplistPhplist subscriber
66,1540minecraft-queryA gem to retrieve data from a Minecraft server's query interface and manage a Minecraft...
66,1540shoop_html_wrappershtml ruby wrappers
66,1540yuzuYuzu is a blog-aware, static-website (and PDF) generator that converts a folder of text...
66,1540yunicorn_mixinssome of mixins I recently created.
66,1540baptistBaptist creates well-formed relative URIs from a set of strings.
66,1540forge-cliForge: A CMS for Rapid Application Development
66,1540yunoY-U-NO meme cmd line generator
66,1540yummyruby del.icio.us api
66,1540pivotal_shellA command-line client for Pivotal Tracker
66,1540bio-tabixTabix file indexing routines from the samtools package http://samtools.sourceforge.net/
66,1540couchchangesruby consumer for couchdb's _changes api
66,1540active_tripleActive Triple - Tool to query triple stores