Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180841-180860 of all 182,129 gems.
71,9710phplistPhplist subscriber
71,9710librrIt is a tool to to index & search your text based documentation system. It use solr...
71,9710protoformGenerates a basic skeleton for a Mirah Android application
71,9710roachclipLet you upload images and have use paperclip's hotness to post process them
71,9710pivotal_shellA command-line client for Pivotal Tracker
71,9710protector-cancanIntegration layer between Protector and CanCan
71,9710sfpagentA Ruby implementation of SFP agent.
71,9710agrismart_ruby_mapnikA set of bindings between Ruby and Mapnik. Supports many of the common uses for Mapnik...
71,9710hank-chronicA natural language date parser with timezone support
71,9710minecraft-queryA gem to retrieve data from a Minecraft server's query interface and manage a Minecraft...
71,9710shoop_html_wrappershtml ruby wrappers
71,9710yunicorn_mixinssome of mixins I recently created.
71,9710yunoY-U-NO meme cmd line generator
71,9710yummyruby del.icio.us api
71,9710times_topicsInteract with the TimesTags API (http://developer.nytimes.com/docs/timestags_api) with ...
71,9710active_tripleActive Triple - Tool to query triple stores
71,9710em-powerdnsRuby EventMachine PowerDNS Protocol for PDNS custom pipe backend
71,9710fluent-plugin-http-statusFluentd input plugin for to get the http status
71,9710sessionm-resthomeSimple wrapper class generator for consuming RESTful web services
71,9710activemerchant-nspActive Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopif...