Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180881-180900 of all 183,509 gems.
103,6300assetbuildEasily merge and compress multiple asset files together (currently supports CSS and cof...
103,6300juniorA Mini MVC Web Framework for Ruby built on Rack and a lot of inspiration from Sinatra
103,6300gitauthA library to enable per user / group authentication on a read / write basis for git rep...
103,6300telnetdSimple telnet daemon to be used from the command line or as embedded service.
103,6300jeroenvandijk-rack-bugDebugging toolbar for Rack applications implemented as middleware
103,6300jesnault-bgp4rBGP4R is a BGP-4 ruby library to create, send, and receive BGP messages in an object...
103,6300jgdavey-movable_erbA General-purpose CSV to ERB template formatter
103,6300jimiray-acts_as_commentablePolymorphic comments Rails plugin
103,6300booSimple bible object oriented.
103,6300omniauth-myappsA simple hello world gem
103,6300iso_bsd-i18nText describing bicycle wheel size information.
103,6300cli_applicationЦель библиотеки - обеспечить быструю разработку CLI-приложений (скриптов). Повышени...
103,6300command-line-utilsThis is a command line utilites.
103,6300cool_ruby_facesOutput extremely Cool Ascii Faces in your terminal
103,6300lolreplayAllows for access of the metadata in a LoL Replay .lrf file.
103,6300autotest-clearClears the terminal for every autotest run. Inspired from autotest-growl[http://www.bit...
103,6300hexabatA Github issues importing tool
103,6300current_gemMaintain symlinks to the most recent versions of installed Ruby Gems.
103,6300guard-calabash-iosGuard::Calabash-iOS automatically run your calabash features for iOS
103,6300localized_gemsCross platform utility for installing gems on a per project basis