Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180881-180900 of all 182,229 gems.
66,1540ai4rubyRuby implementations of algorithms covering several Artificial intelligence fields, inc...
66,1540sinatra-headSinatra::Head provides class methods and helpers for dynamically controlling the fields...
66,1540gemstacheAdds commands for managing private gems through gemstache.com
66,1540filipegiusti-yajl-rubyRuby C bindings to the excellent Yajl JSON stream-based parser library.
66,1540sputnikConnects to MongoHQ API
66,1540easy_respondersEasily setup responders in your controller
66,1540treasury_bond_yieldRuby utility to pull US treasury bond yields from www.treas.gov website.
66,1540omniauth-smailexAn OmniAuth strategy for Smailex
66,1540simple_gemContains tools that create gem skeletons, rake tasks that support building and deployin...
66,1540chartxGenerate beautiful charts in rails
66,1540urlishTesting a gem description
66,1540vcap-concurrencyProvides utility classes to support common patterns in concurrent programming.
66,1540cf-message-busAbstraction layer around NATS messaging bus
66,1540rabbit-slide-kou-sprk2012私はコードを書くことが好きです。もっと言うとクリアなコードを書くことが 好きです。クリアなコードを書くことはとても楽しいので、みんながクリアな コードを書けるようになればいい...
66,1540middleman-as-middlewareSimple hander to bind middleman as middleware
66,1540avalanche-cliA small command line interface library for quickly building cli apps.
66,1540reidiculous-actionwebservice-clientAdds WSDL/SOAP and XML-RPC web service support to Action Pack
66,1540crazy_hash_filterHash filtering by advanced rules
66,1540benhutton-mysql2psqlIt can create postgresql dump from mysql database or directly load data from mysql to ...