Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180941-180960 of all 182,407 gems.
69,9780guilleiguaran-rubyntlmRuby/NTLM provides message creator and parser for the NTLM authentication.
69,9780rack-pretty_jsonPretty JSON for pretty people
69,9780siba-source-mongo-dbAn extension for SIBA backup and restore utility. It allows to backup and restore Mongo...
69,9780activemqActiveMQ client for Ruby using openwire protocol through activemq-cpp client
69,9780thorsson_thinking-sphinxA concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search ...
69,9780scideGNU screen wrapper to open terminal tabs for projects with a .screenrc file.
69,9780winci-updaterIntroduces Agile technologies into provisioning process by keeping it integrated with C...
69,9780wrap_in_moduleRuby gem that allows you to load a ruby file into a module. Think scoping bunch of code...
69,9780strippyA documentation stripping tool for Ruby.
69,9780vagrant-package_cacheVagrant Package Cache
69,9780refinerycms-snippetsRuby on Rails Snippets engine for Refinery CMS
69,9780vmware-revertReverts a virtual machine to the most current snapshot.
69,9780facebook-rails-starterkitMake it simple to get started using Facebook with Rails!
69,9780rhashRHash is an ordenable hash, that is, its method 'sort' returns a Hash and the object re...
69,9780signed_requestA simple gem that allows you to sign HTTP requests between two parties with a shared se...
69,9780simple_phone_numberValidate and set phone number format
69,9780fargoDirect Connect (DC) Client implemented in pure Ruby
69,9780limores_hopstopThis gem uses few HopStop services for public transportation.
69,9780vcsVersion control systems (Subversion, CVS, PRCS...), however useful, are not very ext...
69,9780farmingengineersInvoice generators, etc.