Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180961-180980 of all 183,509 gems.
103,6300ar_translateStore values for multiple languages in an ActiveRecord attribute using PostgreSQL's hst...
103,6300ar_xivsimple request to arXiv and get data
103,6300capistrano-scm-gitbuildCapistrano 3 build and copy strategy for git (checkout branch, apply build steps and de...
103,6300model_iteratorIterate through large ActiveRecord datasets
103,6300active_record_florderFloating point ActiveRecord Models ordering for rich client apps heavily inspirated by ...
103,6300israkelCollection of common rake tasks for the iPhone Simulator like start/stop and some more.
103,6300monkey_formsHelps make complex forms
103,6300codon_table_parserParses the NCBI genetic code table, generating hash maps of each species' name, start c...
103,6300magicsheetWrite your timesheets in ruby after the __END__. Supports currencies and tells you how ...
103,6300cassowary-ruby## Cassowary [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/timfel/cassowary.png?branch=...
103,6300jperkins-deep_testDeepTest runs tests in multiple processes.
103,6300guard-shoryukenGuard::Shoryuken automatically starts/stops/restarts Shoryuken workers
103,6300missing_controller_helpers_generatormissing_controller_helpers_generator was developed by: markbates
103,6300cucumber-formattersA collection of cucumber formatters
103,6300party_resourceparty_resource is a framework for building ruby objects which interact with a REST api....
103,6300show_off_pdfShowOff2PDF converts ShowOff presentations into PDF files for use as handouts or to p...
103,6300ImageScraperA gem to download all the images at a particular URL
103,6300kashimeKashime is OpenStack Network Managment tool - Alternatives neutron
103,6300honoka-railsTo mount Honoka on rails. Honoka is a simple and friendly japanese bootstrap-theme.
103,6300gohellBest gem in east earth!