Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180981-181000 of all 183,509 gems.
103,6300hanna_gudaoA rework of the Hanna generator for RDoc 3.x
103,6300wheelhouse-adminAdmin back-end component for Wheelhouse CMS.
103,6300mongoid-markdownEasily use markdown with mongoid texts
103,6300jdl-chronicA natural language date parser with timezone support
103,6300knife-hadoopHadoop Chef Knife Plugin
103,6300placeholderEasy image placeholders via Placehold.it
103,6300poliqarprRuby client for Poliqarp (NLP corpus server)
103,6300mips_testerClass to test MIPS asm files. It relies on MARS' cli, so be sure to download its JAR fi...
103,6300lauremnothing really
103,6300bd_locationAddress of Bangladesh
103,6300mobilize-baseManage your organization's workflows entirely through Google Docs and irb. ...
103,6300jphastings-unrarPure ruby implementation of RarLabs' Unrar software. Doesn't yet support encryption or ...
103,6300bio-assemblybioruby plugin to parse, write, and manipulate assembly data
103,6300condo_active_recordProvides database storage and migrations though utilising ActiveRecord.
103,6300intuit-samlAllow sites federated with Intuit to process SAML auth requests
103,6300jqr-typed_serializeTyped serialize makes sure your serialized attribute is always the specified type.
103,6300jrun-rstackProvides a gem library generator and helpful rake tasks
103,6300api-transformerAPI transformation Ruby DSL and server
103,6300guard-goliathAutomatically reloads your Goliath app on file change using Guard.
103,6300asciinema-railsConverts sudosh log files to asciinema format. Provides JS and CSS includes to allow yo...