Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181241-181260 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830redis-rocCollection of Ruby classes wrapping the Redis data structures
74,4830namespaced_redisReturns a namespaced version of redis
74,4830ftdiRuby bindings for libftdi
74,4830radiant-archive_tabs-extensionDisplay Archive pages in their own paginated tab.
74,4830flex-sdkFlex SDK Gem for redistribution to build servers and other developers. Also provides a ...
74,4830lolita-translationLolita extension that allow users to change language and translate DB data.
74,4830facturae_printfacturae_print translates a facturae xml file into an understandable HTML or PDF file
74,4830launchcraftSimple cli launcher for minecraft
74,4830data_loaderUses fastercsv to scan a few lines of a CSV and create a schema with ActiveRecord. It d...
74,4830leap_motionWrapper around the C++ api for Leap Motion.
74,4830fpdfLibrary fpdf
74,4830postalLyris is an enterprise email service. Postal makes it easy for Ruby to talk to Lyris's ...
74,4830eventmachine_snmpagentEvented SNMP Agent
74,4830icon-buttonsThis Compass plugin provides some easy to use mixins for creating buttons with icons.
74,4830seedlingsAn ActiveModel (MongoMapper/Mongoid/ActiveRecord 3+) compliant seed data handler for an...
74,4830jasmine_trellisA new approach to maintable, dynamic fixture generation for Javascript tests.
74,4830exipexip outputs your current external IP address. Nothing more, nothing less :D
74,4830growth_republic_chat_clientThis gem wraps Chat API with easy to use models created by Her. It passes paginatio...
74,4830soogemA collection of classes I always seem to be rewriting