Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181261-181280 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830validates_as_vat_numberNow you can validate VAT using the European service called VIES, ...
74,4830mollie-paymentClient for the Mollie API (currently iDEAL-only)
74,4830gtkmozembedRuby/GtkMozEmbed is a Ruby binding of GtkMozEmbed a widget embedding a Mozilla Gecko re...
74,4830validates_hostValidates Host, Domain and IP and test it with matchers in a simple way.
74,4830sluggify-this-jsThis gem helps you create url slugs
74,4830selbackupBackups files to Amazon S3 server
74,4830ey_cloud_awarenessDEPRECATED: use engineyard-metadata. Pull metadata from EC2 and EngineYard so that your...
74,4830emailyA library to send template to multiple emails.
74,4830jeokkarakHash to object helper methods for schema evolution forward-compatible services.
74,4830alf-shellThis project implements the `alf` commandline tool.
74,4830jmeter-reportsJMeter Reports
74,4830has_contentSimple wrapper for adding content via a polymorphic join for any active record. Versio...
74,4830saasyClearance-based Rails engine for Software as a Service (Saas) that provides account and...
74,4830adriftSimplistic attachment management
74,4830jsts-railsJSTS Topology Suite packaged for Rails assets pipeline
74,4830interkassaInterkassa billing API implementation in Ruby
74,4830net-tocA ruby library which uses the TOC protocol to connect to AOL's instant messaging network.
74,4830validatious-on-railsRails plugin that maps model validations to class names on form elements to integrate w...