Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181221-181240 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830gemjamCreate java jar, for jRuby, from gems or a bundler Gemfile
74,4830verlaneSimple version number management library, using Rake tasks
74,4830gg_translatorcommandline repl translator
74,4830fakerestFakerest is a simple tool based on sinatra which starts a http server (webrick) and exp...
74,4830fuckMakes things slower, so you have to optimize the hard stuff first.
74,4830fluent-plugin-sayFluentd output plugin to say something by using 'say' command
74,4830logicleLogicle is a simulator for testing and solving simple circuits composed of basic logica...
74,4830run-as-rootRequire this gem to force the user of a command/script to execute it as root
74,4830kyruus-bootstrap-sassKyruus modifications to Twitter Bootstrap and Font Awesome
74,4830mallard-loggerSimple wrapper around Logger to behave a specific way
74,4830sabre_dev_studio-flightAccess the Sabre Travel Platform Services (TPS) Dev Studio Flight API
74,4830ynw-ar_mailerEven delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hund...
74,4830erp_dev_svcsThis engine exists as development support for CompassAE.
74,4830history_commanderHistory Commander is a ruby daemon that provides bash users with a global shared comman...
74,4830dataloaderbEasily create, run, and extend Apex Data Loader processes on Windows via Ruby
74,4830formattedstringBrings all parsing of Formatted Strings into one common place.
74,4830veewee-atlassianExpand the 'vagrant box' command to support the creation of base boxes from scratch. Th...
74,4830mongo_adaptorA simple mongo handler. Translates Structs into Mongo and back.