Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181281-181300 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830siriproxy-exampleThis is a "hello world" style plugin. It simply intercepts the phrase "text siri proxy"...
74,4830mongollyEasy backups for EBS-based MongoDB Databases
74,4830lockdown_vailRestrict access to your controller actions. Supports basic model level restrictions as...
74,4830social_sign_onrequires some messing around
74,4830active_admin-acts_as_listProvides sortable_columns helper in active admin resource definitions.
74,4830rubycurlEasy use of curl for getting html, xml, etc
74,4830shere_Share_ the directory _here_ with [Nginx][]! Shere would create a temporary Nginx confi...
74,4830indifferent_evalCan't decide between instance_eval and block.call? Why not support both!?
74,4830rtriplifya ruby clone of triplify. it can provide rdf data out of your existing database
74,4830jtv-apnsSimple Apple push notification service gem
74,4830enableplaceholder-jquery-railsProvides the `enablePlaceholder` jQuery plugin packaged for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline.
74,4830shipping_materialsDSL for creating packing slips and general shipping materials
74,4830vflVanilla brings Markdown like features to LATEX
74,4830rack_iphone_web_appiPhone web apps in full screen mode wipe cookies when the browser closes. This g...
74,4830hastestsHasTests API Client for Ruby
74,4830readable_messagePrints out an exception message, class name, and backtrace to the console.
74,4830route66Displays routes at /route66
74,4830cucumber2rspecConvert Cucumber features to RSpec
74,4830recommendationsrecommendations between similar items
74,4830usefulCollection of random functions and modules that may be useful