Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181341-181360 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830facebook-clientFacebook OAuth2 client
74,4830mozrepl-clientA wrapper around mozrepl - pass javascript to your browser to run!
74,4830memcache-client_extensionsAdd parallel get_multi support, stats retrieval and flush_all command to memcache-client
74,4830rack-referralsIf the user clicked through from a search engine, this middleware will detect the engin...
74,4830rest_cacheRestCache is Rack middleware that relies on HTTP verbs to cache requests to your server...
74,4830ruby_edsRuby wrapper for EDS API.
74,4830jquery-serialize-json-sprocketsmarioizquierdo/jquery.serializeJSON for assets pipeline
74,4830gooder_dataFlexible and easy GoodData integration utilities for ruby
74,4830rest_babyRest client
74,4830i18n_generatorGenerates locale-specific resource bundles (.properties files) from translations held i...
74,4830self_inquirerAdd to built-in classes a method to test for equality.
74,4830mytradewizardHelpers for CME Group, Interactive Brokers, and Yahoo Finance
74,4830duck_punchingEver wanted to monkey patch some Ruby code but hate the name "monkey patching"? Hav...
74,4830erbextensionserbextensions is a library that extends the Standard ERB library. One key functionality...
74,4830watir_robotWatir Robot - Remote keyword library for Robot Framework
74,4830em_mysql2_connection_poolthe most simple, one trick, ultra thin connection pool for MySQL2 usage in a Eventmachi...
74,4830sinatra-test-helperDummy gem, sinatra-test-helper is now part of sinatra-contrib: http://www.sinatrarb.com...
74,4830radiant-shop_packages-extensionRadiantShop: Group up Products into packages, you can assign a price to a package
74,4830kaminari-rails4Kaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and sophist...
74,4830glue_gunA tool for connecting parts of your application at configuration time. Part thought e...