Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181421-181440 of all 182,267 gems.
73,9730bitsy-bitcoinA mountable Rails engine to create a payment server that can handle the money in your B...
73,9730hash-proxyAn object that proxies method calls to a Hash object as hash key lookups. Handles neste...
73,9730faraday_middleware-active_support_jsonFaraday middleware for handling JSON using ActiveSupport::JSON
73,9730hipchat_searcherSearch hipchat log on terminal
73,9730cohesionGem to test the cohesion of links within a rails site. The gem crawls the site and che...
73,9730mappable_object_attributesUsing the power of Hashie::Mash to define how a record consumes external data into defi...
73,9730extreme_feedback_deviceFetches Jobs from a Jenkins CI via the REST JSON API and sets LEDs of an Extreme Feedba...
73,9730yiifonyYii deployment with capistrano, useful tasks, rollback deployment and more
73,9730gnucashRuby library for extracting data from XML GnuCash data files
73,9730mongoid-nested-serializationLoads nested Mongoid documents using a JSON serialization
73,9730hookersContains default hooks files to integrate git with pivotal tracker and change log gener...
73,9730text_protocolsDSL to create text protocols
73,9730bootstraps_bootstrapsA gem to make working with Bootstrap 2.0 in Rails 3 easier and better. Includes a new ...
73,9730has_zoneProvides a way to convert from TZinfo time zone identifer to ActiveSupport TimeZone for...
73,9730wheniworkWrapper for the WhenIWork's API
73,9730metrics_machineUtilities for writing application metrics into statsd/graphite
73,9730gcm_helperA Google's GCM Service Server-side Helper
73,9730tech-angels-resque-throttleresque-throttle is an extension to the resque queue system that restricts the frequency...
73,9730is_publishableGives a resouce the ability to be published against a certain date
73,9730mournful_settingsAdds a settings class to a rails app. The settings are mournful because they can be sto...