Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181441-181460 of all 182,229 gems.
66,1540my_string_extend_jbc123The library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
66,1540colormeA very simple helper for outputting strings in color. For exmaple, simply require 'col...
66,1540sequel_sluggableSequel plugin which provides Slug functionality for model.
66,1540hncb_e_atmeATM interface for 華南銀行(HNCB)
66,1540my_string_extend_mjThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
66,1540revo-lockdownRestrict access to your controller actions. Supports basic model level restrictions as...
66,1540career_builderRuby wrapper for the CareerBuilder V2 HTTP XML API
66,1540HyakuninIssyuThis Gem offer all the information about Hyakunin-issyu, the One Hundred Poems by One H...
66,1540webgen-tipue_search-bundleTipue Search is a site search engine which uses jQuery. It can use a pre-built search i...
66,1540dbc-rubyREST API client for http://api.devbootcamp.com
66,1540osonConverts json to openstruct object
66,1540pom-loaderCan interpret a maven pom and pull properties and classes into context.
66,1540docjsCreate beautiful Javascript documentations with this ruby-gem. It's pretty easy to cust...
66,1540rack-nokogiriRack Middleware for node manipulation.
66,1540random_value_samplerClass for sampling from arbitrary probability distributions
66,1540rubinius-coverageRubinius coverage tool.
66,1540qujoDescription of Qujo.
66,1540shitcanUltra lightweight wrapper for the memcached gem. Allows for stupidly simple partial cac...
66,1540tinatraRuby implemented DSL, designed for twitter bot.
66,1540prefineryRuby API for Prefinery.com