Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181501-181520 of all 182,229 gems.
66,1540rails_questionableAdd questions and answers to your models
66,1540acts_as_inquirableA helper to wrap an ActiveRecord attribute with ActiveSupport::StringInquirer.
66,1540flat_railsFlat UI FREE packaged up for all your Rails needs.
66,1540dropperA tool to help automate server setup and project deployment.
66,1540capistrano-rsyncDeploy with Rsync to your server from any local (or remote) repository. Saves you the...
66,1540ab_panelRun A/B test experiments on your Rails 4+ site using Mixpanel as a backend.
66,1540easy_api_docUse a YAML file to specify your API, and EasyApiDoc will serve up this information with...
66,1540active_schemaIf you've gone through the trouble of linking your schema with proper foreign keys, ...
66,1540rubygems-deep_fetchThe `gem deep_fetch` command works like `gem fetch` but it downloads all the gems req...
66,1540address_engineInspired by the address fields on amazon.com
66,1540chingu_vectorsA Chingu trait that handles game object movement via vectors. Speed and hastening are i...
66,1540virgilA simple out put gem
66,1540paxdbGraph database on leveldb using paxos protocol ideas.
66,1540newscastnewscast - newsreader for easy (re)use - build your own facebook newsfeed in 1-2-3 step...
66,1540brand2csvbrand2csv creates csv files for swiss brand registered in a specific time period. The...
66,1540salesforce_bulk2This gem is a simple interface to the Salesforce Bulk API providing support for insert,...
66,1540nofxx-moneyThis library aids one in handling money and different currencies.
66,1540ruby-interfaceRuby interface
66,1540cs-httpiHTTPI provides a common interface for Ruby HTTP libraries. This gem is a fork of httpi ...
66,1540nilsimsaComputes Nilsimsa values. Nilsimsa is a distance based hash