Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181921-181940 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830mamemoseMarkdown memo server
74,4830instrumentalRails instrumentation and client for imperialapp.com
74,4830simple_nested_formAdds support for easily creeate nested forms with simple_form
74,4830museMuse is a complete music creation package including writing and up to creating WAV files
74,4830rsdlRSDL is an SDL initialized ruby interpreter which makes SDL applications possible to ru...
74,4830glebpom-async_observerasync_observer provides deep integration with Beanstalk. Fork from http://github.com/kr...
74,4830edge-layoutsEdgeLayouts is a layout engine for faster starting up applications
74,4830dnstoolsSet of DNS CLI Tools
74,4830knife_cookbook_dependencies_over_httpResolves cookbook dependencies
74,4830ruby-frontbaseRuby bindings for the FrontBase database server (http://www.frontbase.com).
74,4830rdoc-readmeExtract high-level RDoc for use in a README file
74,4830airvideo-ngCommunicate with an AirVideo server, even through a proxy: Retrieve the streaming URLs ...
74,4830admapperFriendly mixin for working with Microsoft's ActiveDirectory
74,4830sequel-hive-adapterA Hadoop Hive adapter for Sequel. Uses RBHive and Thrift.
74,4830jmazzi-tweetUpdate your twitter status from the command line.
74,4830johnsbrn-acts-as-taggable-onActs As Taggable On provides the ability to have multiple tag contexts on a single mode...
74,4830globalize3_translatorGlobalize3 auto-translator using Google Translate (or any other backend).
74,4830pg_powerActiveRecord extensions for PostgreSQL. Provides useful tools for schema, foreign_key, ...
74,4830activerecord-database_unsigned_columnsSupport for unsigned integer columns in ActiveRecord migrations. Useful for keeping som...