Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181981-182000 of all 182,267 gems.
73,9730TestGem101A simple test gem!
73,9730nirvanaA ruby web shell that has autocompletion and readline behavior. It uses websockets, rep...
73,9730guard-gitpusherGuard::Gitpusher automatically runs git commands when watched files are modified.
73,9730msimkins-haml_scaffoldRails scaffolding with Haml rather than ERB, and various other improvements.
73,9730spree_inactive_taxonsAdd gem summary here
73,9730loglogging data to file, console etc. Data can be pushed using info\warning\error\debug-le...
73,9730ontomde-uml2-apaCom== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * FIX (list of features or problems) == SYNOPSIS: FIX (code sa...
73,9730formatted_lengthAdds formatted_length function to classes that acts_like_formatted_length, converting a...
73,9730mongoid-metastampProvides Mongoid with enhanced meta-timestamps that store additional parsed time metada...
73,9730matthooks-vimeoA full featured Ruby implementation of the Vimeo API.
73,9730openkvkThis is a ruby wrapper for the Dutch OpenKVK api
73,9730mongoid_oslcExtension for mongoid to parse oslc.where
73,9730user_agent_sanitizerBrowser user agent sanitizer, with a focus on sanitizing mobile phone user agents to br...
73,9730cefformat/send CEF logs via API+syslog or client program
73,9730t2etranslatorA english to multi language translator
73,9730hyperion-apiA Generic Persistence API for Ruby
73,9730mod_factormod factor
73,9730eveA Ruby library for interfacing with all aspects of the EVE Online MMO. It is designed f...
73,9730mojitoA simple yet powerful webframework largely inspired by Rum and Cuba
73,9730awsqueryA collection of tools for querying AWS hosts based on metadata and manipulating them