Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181961-181980 of all 182,267 gems.
73,9730jquery-validatorUses the model validation logic you have already defined to generate javascript validat...
73,9730yogo-supportSupporting extensions for yogo libraries.
73,9730fechellParse electronically filed FEC reports.
73,9730gitpusherA command line tool for replicating git repositories from one service to another.
73,9730ontomde-uml2-ejb2ontomde-uml2-ejb2 is a library for generatin EJB2 library. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * be...
73,9730tagcrumbsThis is a RubyGem that provides an ActiveRecord-like interface to the www.tagcrumbs.com...
73,9730org-parseThis gem contains libraries for parsing org-mode files and build html or textile format...
73,9730mongoid_paperclip_image_dimensionA simple plugin to persist image dimensions into mongoid document.
73,9730kakutani-yaml_wamlPlugin gem to workaround for fixing output result of 'to_yaml' method treats multibyte ...
73,9730karsthammer-passengerPassenger is an Apache module for Ruby on Rails support.
73,9730mattbauer-verticaA Ruby interface to Vertica
73,9730matthewtodd-has_digestActiveRecord macro that helps encrypt passwords and generate api tokens before_save.
73,9730multi_rails#### MultiRails by Relevance, http://thinkrelevance.com Rob Sanheim - MultiRails lead ...
73,9730ochko-flow_paginationReplace paginate links with remote 'more' link
73,9730hackety_slingA simple blog engine based on Sinatra and document_mapper
73,9730IndentinatorIndentinator is a Ruby script that inspects and changes the indentation in your source ...
73,9730valuedateValidates values.
73,9730spree_delayed_jobSpree extension for delayed_job gem
73,9730vesloCommand line utility to manage Noah configurations
73,9730go-rankA class of ranks in the board game Go