Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181941-181960 of all 182,267 gems.
73,9730instrumentalRails instrumentation and client for imperialapp.com
73,9730museMuse is a complete music creation package including writing and up to creating WAV files
73,9730suhyoMatchers built on Webrat to address some common needs in web app testing
73,9730infopark-politicsAlgorithms and Tools for Distributed Computing in Ruby.
73,9730edge-layoutsEdgeLayouts is a layout engine for faster starting up applications
73,9730dnstoolsSet of DNS CLI Tools
73,9730knife_cookbook_dependencies_over_httpResolves cookbook dependencies
73,9730blam_and_wootInstall this Gem and then use the command 'studio_gem' to run. Follow the prompts!
73,9730cdnjs-commandThis package lets you download the popular JavaScript packages with one command, thanks...
73,9730jmazzi-tweetUpdate your twitter status from the command line.
73,9730johnsbrn-acts-as-taggable-onActs As Taggable On provides the ability to have multiple tag contexts on a single mode...
73,9730bookingsyncRuby wrapper around BookingSync API Configure by adding the following: require 'b...
73,9730specrunSpecrun is designed as a simple script that will iterate through your rpsec tests, run ...
73,9730suidSorta Unique ID
73,9730globalize3_translatorGlobalize3 auto-translator using Google Translate (or any other backend).
73,9730transcoderTranscode from json, xml or atom/rss feeds to Ruby.
73,9730pg_powerActiveRecord extensions for PostgreSQL. Provides useful tools for schema, foreign_key, ...
73,9730htmltoolsThis is a Ruby library for building trees representing HTML structure.
73,9730httpattack-libContains core functionality of the HTTPAttack web game.
73,9730http_redirect_testTest Apache behavior using Test::Unit, based on a gist by Patrick Reagan of Viget Labs