Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181941-181960 of all 183,470 gems.
63,4320github_scrapercredit to Jeff Casimir for building CuGit
63,4320platinum-deployerDeploys Platinum projects to simulators, devices, and more.
63,4320eventmachine_snmpagentEvented SNMP Agent
63,4320ftdiRuby bindings for libftdi
63,4320ynw-ar_mailerEven delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hund...
63,4320ovniSimple wrapper helping to use the Flying Saucer Java library to convert HTML to PDF
63,4320gilGil. What have you resolved today?
63,4320gallerbyThink about a dead-simple static gallery generator, with nothing except pictures, thumb...
63,4320capcode-base-datamapperCapcode plugin to access databases via DataMapper
63,4320InsuranceBizLogicInsuranceBizLogic contains biz logic for stand four insurance processes of NB, MTA, Can...
63,4320legacy_enumAllows you to address enumerated integer columns as more sane and readable symbols
63,4320overiderclass A def hello "hello" end end # Later, I want to overi...
63,4320simple_pageExtends Active Record to give pagination functions. Also supplies view helpers and gene...
63,4320jasmine_trellisA new approach to maintable, dynamic fixture generation for Javascript tests.
63,4320bossanhigh performance asynchronous rack web server
63,4320picturepath_auiA ruby wrapper around the PicturePath AUI API. PicturePath provides an API to post virt...
63,4320twpipeThis is a simply Twitter Command-Line client.
63,4320emailyA library to send template to multiple emails.
63,4320exlibris-alephLibrary to handle Exlibris' Aleph ILS.
63,4320test_trackTestTrack provides sane defaults for using Javascript test frameworks in the Rails 3.1 ...