Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
183401-183420 of all 183,459 gems.
61,3670romanizerA simple romanization gem
61,3670quartz-jrubyFrom {Quartz Scheduler's website}[http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/] Quartz is a full-f...
61,3670cassandra-jarsCassandra JARs
61,3670axtro-roartInterface for working with Request Tracker (RT) tickets inspired by ActiveRecord.
61,3670lancatlancat is a program which allows files and other data to be quickly transferred over th...
61,3670system-timer19ease migration off of SystemTimer
61,3670gradaGraphic Data Analysis gem
61,3670rzdRzd is a gem automating checking ticket information for russian railway service rzd.ru....
61,3670simple_captcha_reloadedCaptcha library which uses imagemagick to create captchas
61,3670catalogchoice-ar_mailerEven delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hund...
61,3670ueb_connectorUsing it with LisControl
61,3670ruboty-itamae_searchAn Ruboty Handler + Actions to output itamae plugin search result.
61,3670rake-cloudformationLibrary functions for defining tasks to start AWS CloudFormation stacks using rake
61,3670style-checkstyle-check.rb searches latex-formatted text in search of forbidden phrases and pri...
61,3670fluent-plugin-dedupfluent-plugin-dedup is a fluentd plugin to suppress emission of subsequent logs identic...
61,3670git_notified_on_trelloMakes Trello more useful when managing software development teams by increasing two-way...
61,3670tsadataliteAccesses airport security checkpoint waitimes from TSA
61,3670rails-rail-inIndian Railways Trains, PNR Status, Features to come IRCTC Availability, Running Status...
61,3670secp256k1A Ruby Gem wrapper for libsecp256k1 by Peter Wiulle
61,3670whodunnitA simple edit tracking system to keep track of who changed a model.