Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
183361-183380 of all 183,459 gems.
61,3670acts_as_elibri_productGem designed to allow easy addition of eLibri based product to your application. Curren...
61,3670stompserverStomp messaging server with file/dbm/memory/activerecord based FIFO queues, queue monit...
61,3670jquery_datepickerView helper that allows to select dates from a calendar (using jQuery Ui plugin)
61,3670abak-flowПростой набор правил и комманд, заточеных для работы в git-flow с использование в качес...
61,3670capybara-envjscapybara-envjs is a Capybara driver for the envjs gem. It is similar to Capybara's rack...
61,3670cuke_iterationsRun your Cucumber features multiple times within one Cucumber invocation
61,3670sunscraperA WebKit-based, JavaScript-capable HTML scraper.
61,3670ddeServer that mimics Excel receiving XLTable data via DDE protocol
61,3670vergeSimple system that grants trusted sites tokens if users have successfully authenticated...
61,3670teapotTeapot is a tool for managing complex cross-platform builds.
61,3670hash-proxyAn object that proxies method calls to a Hash object as hash key lookups. Handles neste...
61,3670refinerycms-newsA really straightforward open source Ruby on Rails news engine designed for integration...
61,3670encrypted_yamlTool for working with encrypted yaml files
61,3670harry_potter_fakerEnjoy your lorum ipsum more with harry potter theamed data
61,3670apistPackage to provide api-like access to foreign sites based on html parsing
61,3670iqfeedIQfeed client for ruby. Supports history and online (level1) mode.
61,3670app_store_reviewsRuby library for fetching and syncing app store reviews via iTunes json protocol.
61,3670capistrano-generalsSome general capistrano tasks which are commonly used
61,3670hola-ameriocaA simple hello world gem