Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
183341-183360 of all 183,459 gems.
61,3670s3batchupload/delete s3 objects in batch
61,3670capistrano-campfirecapistrano-tinder is a very simple library for making a Campfire room accessible from c...
61,3670riemann-mysqlMySQL client that submit events to Riemann.
61,3670jitimageJitimage provides on-demand text header images using the font of your choice. On its fi...
61,3670frankRapidly develop static sites using any supported templating language
61,3670yggPure Ruby persistence solution
61,3670bn4rbn4r is a bayesian networks library on ruby that provides the user with classes for cre...
61,3670replrepl is an interactive program which tenderly wraps another, non-interactive program, p...
61,3670jsonrpc2.0-tcpJsonRpc 2.0 TCP client and server
61,3670discoballA simple stream filter to highlight patterns
61,3670revRev is a Ruby binding to the libev high performance event library
61,3670kb-acts_as_revisableacts_as_revisable enables revision tracking, querying, reverting and branching of Activ...
61,3670google_font_extractorExtracts a list of all fonts available via the Google Webfonts API, including details o...
61,3670analysandA terrible burden for a couch
61,3670flix4ra port of the google code project: http://code.google.com/p/flix4r/
61,3670rcarvalho-capybaraCapybara is an integration testing tool for rack based web applications. It simulates h...
61,3670resque-pagerdutyresque-pagerduty provides a Resque failure backend that triggers a Pagerduty incident...
61,3670underscore-template-railsAdds an Sprockets engine to the asset pipeline in Rails to handle templates
61,3670tunefish_clientClient for the Tunefish RESTful API.
61,3670ruport-utilruport-util provides a number of utilities and helper libs for Ruby Reports