Featured Gems Ranking

Featured gems which are based on difference between daily rank and total rank.
301-320 of all 609 gems.
RankDiffDaily RankTotal RankNameSummary
301+216716932rspec-sidekiqSimple testing of Sidekiq jobs via a collection of matchers and helpers
301+216473689recaptchaHelpers for the reCAPTCHA API
303+214457671sidekiq-cronEnables to set jobs to be run in specified time (using CRON notation or natural language)
304+2139571,170js_regexJsRegex converts Ruby's native regular expressions for JavaScript, taking care of vario...
305+211382593no_proxy_fixA fix for a no_proxy bug: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/commit/556e3da4216c926e71dea9ce4...
305+211526737rack-oauth2OAuth 2.0 Server & Client Library. Both Bearer token type are supported.
307+210432642aes_key_wrapA Ruby implementation of AES Key Wrap, a.k.a RFC 3394, a.k.a NIST Key Wrap.
307+210559769fluent-config-regexp-typeThe compatibility monkey patch to use regexp type
309+207608815lru_reduxAn efficient implementation of an lru cache
309+207557764ffakerFfaker generates dummy data.
311+206719925murmurhash3implementation of murmur3 hashing function
311+2067981,004html-pipelineHTML processing filters and utilities
313+203389592claide-pluginsThis CLAide plugin shows information about all available CLAide plugins ...
314+201409610rack-timeoutRack middleware which aborts requests that have been running for longer than a specifie...
315+200366566doorkeeperDoorkeeper is an OAuth 2 provider for Rails and Grape.
316+199386585corkA delightful CLI UI module.
317+1988161,014dry-structTyped structs and value objects
318+1968121,008seed-fuSeed Fu is an attempt to once and for all solve the problem of inserting and maintainin...
318+196669865with_envWithEnv is an extremely small helper module for executing code with ENV variables. It e...
320+1948301,024gemsRuby wrapper for the RubyGems.org API