Featured Gems Ranking
Featured gems which are based on difference between daily rank and total rank.
1-20 of all 642 gems.
Rank | Diff | Daily Rank | Total Rank | Name | Summary |
1 | +6,270 | 991 | 7,261 | grpc_reflection | GRPC Server Reflection Protocol for Ruby |
2 | +4,144 | 965 | 5,109 | solid_cable | Database-backed Action Cable backend. |
3 | +4,029 | 989 | 5,018 | gitlab-secret_detection | GitLab Secret Detection gem accepts text-based payloads, matches them against predefine... |
4 | +4,025 | 575 | 4,600 | sin_lru_redux | Efficient and thread-safe LRU cache. Forked from LruRedux. |
5 | +3,953 | 695 | 4,648 | thruster | A zero-config HTTP/2 proxy for lightweight production deployments |
6 | +3,559 | 931 | 4,490 | solid_cache | A database backed ActiveSupport::Cache::Store |
7 | +3,506 | 346 | 3,852 | prettyprint | Implements a pretty printing algorithm for readable structure. |
8 | +3,334 | 306 | 3,640 | pp | Provides a PrettyPrinter for Ruby objects |
9 | +3,296 | 900 | 4,196 | hanami-cli | Hanami command line |
10 | +3,284 | 924 | 4,208 | kamal | Deploy web apps in containers to servers running Docker with zero downtime. |
11 | +3,228 | 909 | 4,137 | solid_queue | Database-backed Active Job backend. |
12 | +3,177 | 731 | 3,908 | google-logging-utils | Utility classes for logging to Google Cloud Logging |
13 | +2,742 | 911 | 3,653 | gitlab-cloud-connector | This gem provides common CloudConnector configuration and libraries for GitLab projects. |
14 | +2,551 | 723 | 3,274 | rubocop-rails-omakase | Omakase Ruby styling for Rails |
15 | +2,467 | 591 | 3,058 | fastlane-sirp | A Ruby implementation of the Secure Remote Password protocol (SRP-6a). SiRP is a cr... |
16 | +2,248 | 892 | 3,140 | hanami-utils | Hanami utilities |
17 | +2,118 | 941 | 3,059 | rake-compiler-dock | Easy to use and reliable cross compiler environment for building Windows and Linux bina... |
18 | +2,034 | 789 | 2,823 | propshaft | Deliver assets for Rails. |
19 | +1,983 | 875 | 2,858 | singleton | The Singleton module implements the Singleton pattern. |
20 | +1,859 | 856 | 2,715 | gitlab-security_report_schemas | Ruby gem for GitLab security report JSON schemas |