Hsbt's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111bundlerBundler manages an application's dependencies through its entire life, across many mach...
2163rakeRake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and dependencies are specified i...
31716jsonA JSON implementation as a JRuby extension.
438274rubygems-updateA package (also known as a library) contains a set of functionality that can be invok...
57619rexmlAn XML toolkit for Ruby
69922raccRacc is a LALR(1) parser generator. It is written in Ruby itself, and generates Ruby ...
7108157ruby2_keywordsShim library for Module#ruby2_keywords
814257webrickWEBrick is an HTTP server toolkit that can be configured as an HTTPS server, a proxy se...
9180193kaminariKaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and sophist...
10214228rdocRDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects. RDoc includes the ...
11324103timeoutAuto-terminate potentially long-running operations in Ruby.
1232866net-imapRuby client api for Internet Message Access Protocol
1333964net-smtpSimple Mail Transfer Protocol client library for Ruby.
14400123net-protocolThe abstract interface for net-* client.
15417108net-popRuby client library for POP3.
16627136dateA subclass of Object includes Comparable module for handling dates.
17653225psychPsych is a YAML parser and emitter. Psych leverages libyaml[https://pyyaml.org/wiki/Lib...
186571,300json_pureThis is a JSON implementation in pure Ruby.
19679187matrixAn implementation of Matrix and Vector classes.
20731436power_assertPower Assert shows each value of variables and method calls in the expression. It is us...
2175685bigdecimalThis library provides arbitrary-precision decimal floating-point number class.
22860182relineAlternative GNU Readline or Editline implementation by pure Ruby.
23887267optparseOptionParser is a class for command-line option analysis.
24888207irbInteractive Ruby command-line tool for REPL (Read Eval Print Loop).
25903476opensslOpenSSL for Ruby provides access to SSL/TLS and general-purpose cryptography based on t...
2690465base64Support for encoding and decoding binary data using a Base64 representation.
279061,545net-telnetProvides telnet client functionality.
28971495syncA module that provides a two-phase lock with a counter.
29987624e2mmapModule for defining custom exceptions with specific messages.
30989217io-consoleadd console capabilities to IO instances.
311,025930gemsRuby wrapper for the RubyGems.org API
321,069227debugDebugging functionality for Ruby. This is completely rewritten debug.rb which was conta...
331,107942setProvides a class to deal with collections of unordered, unique values
341,3092,701string-scrubString#scrub for Ruby 2.0.0 and 1.9.3
351,319313stringioPseudo `IO` class from/to `String`.
361,3571,399thwaitWatches for termination of multiple threads.
371,378252uriURI is a module providing classes to handle Uniform Resource Identifiers
381,4331,656xmlrpcXMLRPC is a lightweight protocol that enables remote procedure calls over HTTP.
391,5191,486strscanProvides lexical scanning operations on a String.
401,520173drbDistributed object system for Ruby
411,5451,605digestProvides a framework for message digest libraries.
421,548632csvThe CSV library provides a complete interface to CSV files and data. It offers tools to...
431,5811,218benchmarka performance benchmarking library
441,602235net-httpHTTP client api for Ruby.
451,6201,998threadIncludes a thread pool, message passing capabilities, a recursive mutex, promise, futur...
461,639238mutex_mMixin to extend objects to be handled like a Mutex.
471,6401,981iconviconv wrapper library
481,645430rbsRBS is the language for type signatures for Ruby and standard library definitions.
491,6481,879loggerProvides a simple logging utility for outputting messages.
501,6671,044ipaddrIPAddr provides a set of methods to manipulate an IP address. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are su...
511,782621cgiSupport for the Common Gateway Interface protocol.
521,9251,199fileutilsSeveral file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc.
531,943592net-ftpSupport for the File Transfer Protocol.
541,973463primePrime numbers and factorization library.
551,982653rssFamily of libraries that support various formats of XML "feeds".
562,2262,789englishRequire 'English.rb' to reference global variables with less cryptic names.
572,3691,185forwardableProvides delegation of specified methods to a designated object.
582,454759typeprofTypeProf performs a type analysis of non-annotated Ruby code. It abstractly executes i...
592,5791,962zlibRuby interface for the zlib compression/decompression library
602,6104,558did_you_meanThe gem that has been saving people from typos since 2014.
612,6341,520timeExtends the Time class with methods for parsing and conversion.
622,649291nkfRuby extension for Network Kanji Filter
632,6892,453io-waitWaits until IO is readable or writable without blocking.
642,8061,956scanfscanf is an implementation of the C function scanf(3).
653,0812,183yamlYAML Ain't Markup Language
663,1171,913securerandomInterface for secure random number generator.
673,1732,026resolvThread-aware DNS resolver library in Ruby.
683,3141,691erbAn easy to use but powerful templating system for Ruby.
693,3721,620open3Popen, but with stderr, too
703,4005,179syckA gemified version of Syck from Ruby's stdlib. Syck has been removed from Ruby's stdli...
713,5251,701fiddleA libffi wrapper for Ruby.
723,5931,948singletonThe Singleton module implements the Singleton pattern.
733,7931,268gserverGServer implements a generic server
743,8004,171etcProvides access to information typically stored in UNIX /etc directory.
754,0642,579ostructClass to build custom data structures, similar to a Hash.
764,1642,323tempfileA utility class for managing temporary files.
774,2622,705open-uriAn easy-to-use wrapper for Net::HTTP, Net::HTTPS and Net::FTP.
784,5601,514abbrevCalculates a set of unique abbreviations for a given set of strings
794,8281,589observerImplementation of the Observer object-oriented design pattern.
804,8701,636resolv-replaceReplace Socket DNS with Resolv.
814,9363,596shellAn idiomatic Ruby interface for common UNIX shell commands.
824,9461,776getoptlongGetoptLong for Ruby
835,2043,770win32apiThe wrapper library for win32 API
845,7881,811rindaThe Linda distributed computing paradigm in Ruby.
855,8093,348shellwordsManipulates strings with word parsing rules of UNIX Bourne shell.
865,8411,814syslogRuby interface for the POSIX system logging facility.
876,1217,501dbmProvides a wrapper for the UNIX-style Database Manager Library
886,2344,593tsortTopological sorting using Tarjan's algorithm
896,5064,786fcntlLoads constants defined in the OS fcntl.h C header file
906,5433,659readline-extProvides an interface for GNU Readline and Edit Line (libedit).
916,6084,633pathnameRepresentation of the name of a file or directory on the filesystem
926,6214,880delegateProvides three abilities to delegate method calls to an object.
936,6507,902rubyFIX ME
946,6824,630pstoreTransactional File Storage for Ruby Objects
956,8515,214ppProvides a PrettyPrinter for Ruby objects
967,0885,159tracerA Ruby tracer
977,38611,048logger-applicationAdd logging support to your application.
987,5134,846prettyprintImplements a pretty printing algorithm for readable structure.
997,6846,297minitest-power_assertPower Assert for Minitest.
1007,8928,262gdbmRuby extension for GNU dbm.
1018,0265,262readlineThis is just a loader for "readline". If Ruby has the "readline-ext" gem that is a nati...
1028,5346,162cmathCMath is a library that provides trigonometric and transcendental functions for complex...
1039,0075,548unUtilities to replace common UNIX commands
1049,0655,598tmpdirExtends the Dir class to manage the OS temporary file path.
1059,18310,908yaoYAO is a Yet Another OpenStack API Wrapper that rocks!!
1069,4194,381error_highlightThe gem enhances Exception#message by adding a short explanation where the exception is...
1079,9615,353findThis module supports top-down traversal of a set of file paths.
10810,36120,331itamae-plugin-recipe-rbenvItamae plugin to install ruby with rbenv
10910,3725,542weakrefAllows a referenced object to be garbage-collected.
11011,43913,214mathnDeprecated library that extends math operations.
11111,45649,460rubygems-mirrorThis is an update to the old `gem mirror` command. It uses net/http/persistent and thre...
11211,6025,823io-nonblockEnables non-blocking mode with IO class
11311,9416,105syntax_suggestWhen you get an "unexpected end" in your syntax this gem helps you find it
11412,1663,219rubygems-generate_indexGenerates the index files for a gem server directory
11513,48642,915tdiarytDiary is so called Weblog.
11614,28685,863jenkins-plugin-runtimeI'll think of a better description later, but if you're reading this, then I haven't
11715,2756,575sdbmProvides a simple file-based key-value store with String keys and values.
11815,41317,782capistrano-stretchercapistrano task for stretcher.
11917,27823,617hikidoc'HikiDoc' is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers.
12017,7086,273test-unit-ruby-coreAdditional test assertions for Ruby standard libraries.
12118,00217,015atigAtig.rb is Twitter Irc Gateway.
12218,39342,915tdiary-contribtDiary contributions package that includes plugins, styles, utilities, libraries, filte...
12319,09310,855sidekiq-scheduler-notificationSlack notification middleware for sidekiq-scheduler
12420,01226,173takosanRuby wrapper of Takosan
12520,07218,677tkTk interface module using tcltklib.
12620,19418,229gemstashGemstash acts as a local RubyGems server, caching copies of gems from RubyGems.org auto...
12721,57520,978agiganother Github IRC Gateway
12824,72849,460kanameIdentity configuration tool for OpenStack. You can apply simple YAML definition into Ke...
12924,99049,460kakineSecurity Group configuration tool for OpenStack. You can apply simple YAML definition i...
13025,69285,863jpiAllows you to generate a new Ruby plugin project, build it, test it in Jenkins and rele...
13127,87385,863tdiary-style-gfmGFM Style for tDiary
13228,2057,106bundler-graph`graph` generates a PNG file of the current `Gemfile(5)` as a dependency graph.
13329,44760,164tdiary-blogkittDiary BlogKit modifies tDiary. This modification enables tDiary to manage articles by ...
13430,07785,863monitorProvides an object or module to use safely by more than one thread
13530,44160,164mackerel-rbYet another mackerel client for Ruby.
13630,65610,000win32oleProvides an interface for OLE Automation in Ruby
13730,98927,806capistrano-stretcher-railsrails specific tasks for capistrano-stretcher
13837,65113,434profileProfile provides a way to Profile your Ruby application.
13940,62349,460profilerEasy, targeted Ruby profiling
14144,95112,341rubygems-serverGem::Server and allows users to serve gems for consumption by `gem --remote-install`.
14245,65716,398rake-confirmConfirmation for destructive Rails task.
14348,34849,460acts_as_bitsActiveRecord plugin that maintains massive flags in one column
14450,41960,164coverageoutput-format is XHTML1.0 strict credit goes to NAKAMURA Hiroshi, which made the origi...
14555,32742,915omniauth-colormeshopOmniAuth Strategy for ColorMeShop API
14656,05260,164kakinkakin is resource calcuration tool for OpenStack
14861,47785,863heroku_scale_schedulerscaling scheduler for heroku dynos/workers
14967,29585,863furikA summary generator of GitHub activity for retrospective.
15068,89342,915auto_truncated_loggerlogger of auto truncated old file.
15171,46960,164capistrano-stretcher-npmnpm task for capistrano-stretcher
15272,60460,164tdiary-style-rdRD Style for tDiary
15375,47538,253delayed_job_slack_notificationSlack notifier for pending jobs of Delayed Job.
15480,69485,863ikachanRuby wrapper of Ikachan
15584,25185,863rake-contribAdditional libraries for Rake
15691,30427,806lramaLALR (1) parser generator written by Ruby
15799,55285,863rubygems-yomikomurubygems hooks for yomikomu
158102,68385,863tdiary-style-etdiaryetDiary Style for tDiary
159107,21085,863tdiary-cache-redistDiary cache with redis
160108,96349,460fiberFiber is an open source content engine for Ruby.
161109,98385,863tdiary-io-rdbrdb adapter for tDiary
162113,34142,915jsJavaScript bindings for ruby.wasm. This gem provides a way to use JavaScript functional...
163115,16485,863log_minimalRuby port of Log::Minimal.
164131,06485,863sqaleWrite a gem description
165134,83385,863tdiary-style-emptdiaryemptDiary Style for tDiary
166137,37485,863rack-nojstreat script tag in response.body when access with old mobile phone.
167139,36585,863tdiary-cache-memcachedtDiary cache with memcached
168154,25785,863tdiary-coffeescriptCoffeeScript Filter for tDiary.
169177,61560,164gem-ext-cleanerClean up unnecessary extension files for gem command.