1 | 1 | 1 | bundler | Bundler manages an application's dependencies through its entire life, across many mach... |
2 | 10 | 9 | rake | Rake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and dependencies are
specified i... |
3 | 18 | 2 | json | A JSON implementation as a JRuby extension. |
4 | 47 | 262 | rubygems-update | A package (also known as a library) contains a set of functionality
that can be invok... |
5 | 67 | 14 | rexml | An XML toolkit for Ruby |
6 | 83 | 17 | racc | Racc is an LALR(1) parser generator.
It is written in Ruby itself, and generates Ruby... |
7 | 108 | 143 | ruby2_keywords | Shim library for Module#ruby2_keywords |
8 | 121 | 39 | webrick | WEBrick is an HTTP server toolkit that can be configured as an HTTPS server, a proxy se... |
9 | 184 | 218 | kaminari | Kaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and sophist... |
10 | 210 | 123 | rdoc | RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects.
RDoc includes the ... |
11 | 229 | 59 | net-imap | Ruby client api for Internet Message Access Protocol |
12 | 242 | 75 | net-smtp | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol client library for Ruby. |
13 | 252 | 65 | timeout | Auto-terminate potentially long-running operations in Ruby. |
14 | 294 | 99 | net-protocol | The abstract interface for net-* client. |
15 | 301 | 31 | bigdecimal | This library provides arbitrary-precision decimal floating-point number class. |
16 | 308 | 129 | net-pop | Ruby client library for POP3. |
17 | 324 | 25 | base64 | Support for encoding and decoding binary data using a Base64 representation. |
18 | 377 | 95 | date | A subclass of Object includes Comparable module for handling dates. |
19 | 440 | 214 | matrix | An implementation of Matrix and Vector classes. |
20 | 455 | 114 | psych | Psych is a YAML parser and emitter. Psych leverages libyaml[https://pyyaml.org/wiki/Lib... |
21 | 624 | 116 | reline | Alternative GNU Readline or Editline implementation by pure Ruby. |
22 | 667 | 122 | irb | Interactive Ruby command-line tool for REPL (Read Eval Print Loop). |
23 | 720 | 993 | json_pure | This is a JSON implementation in pure Ruby. |
24 | 731 | 163 | io-console | add console capabilities to IO instances. |
25 | 738 | 892 | power_assert | Power Assert shows each value of variables and method calls in the expression. It is us... |
26 | 753 | 371 | strscan | Provides lexical scanning operations on a String. |
27 | 758 | 279 | optparse | OptionParser is a class for command-line option analysis. |
28 | 801 | 126 | drb | Distributed object system for Ruby |
29 | 813 | 118 | uri | URI is a module providing classes to handle Uniform Resource Identifiers |
30 | 833 | 357 | openssl | OpenSSL for Ruby provides access to SSL/TLS and general-purpose cryptography based on t... |
31 | 855 | 203 | debug | Debugging functionality for Ruby. This is completely rewritten debug.rb which was conta... |
32 | 883 | 437 | sync | A module that provides a two-phase lock with a counter. |
33 | 892 | 40 | logger | Provides a simple logging utility for outputting messages. |
34 | 904 | 190 | stringio | Pseudo `IO` class from/to `String`. |
35 | 976 | 148 | csv | The CSV library provides a complete interface to CSV files and data. It offers tools to... |
36 | 980 | 169 | net-http | HTTP client api for Ruby. |
37 | 986 | 943 | e2mmap | Module for defining custom exceptions with specific messages. |
38 | 990 | 1,964 | net-telnet | Provides telnet client functionality. |
39 | 1,029 | 208 | mutex_m | Mixin to extend objects to be handled like a Mutex. |
40 | 1,032 | 918 | gems | Ruby wrapper for the RubyGems.org API |
41 | 1,092 | 885 | set | Provides a class to deal with collections of unordered, unique values |
42 | 1,292 | 239 | nkf | Ruby extension for Network Kanji Filter |
43 | 1,372 | 187 | benchmark | a performance benchmarking library |
44 | 1,379 | 588 | rbs | RBS is the language for type signatures for Ruby and standard library definitions. |
45 | 1,399 | 1,674 | thwait | Watches for termination of multiple threads. |
46 | 1,415 | 2,291 | string-scrub | String#scrub for Ruby 2.0.0 and 1.9.3 |
47 | 1,510 | 1,723 | xmlrpc | XMLRPC is a lightweight protocol that enables remote procedure calls over HTTP. |
48 | 1,545 | 750 | cgi | Support for the Common Gateway Interface protocol. |
49 | 1,560 | 1,232 | digest | Provides a framework for message digest libraries. |
50 | 1,573 | 560 | prime | Prime numbers and factorization library. |
51 | 1,613 | 1,729 | ipaddr | IPAddr provides a set of methods to manipulate an IP address.
Both IPv4 and IPv6 are su... |
52 | 1,693 | 159 | securerandom | Interface for secure random number generator. |
53 | 1,727 | 2,243 | thread | Includes a thread pool, message passing capabilities, a recursive mutex, promise, futur... |
54 | 1,742 | 2,075 | iconv | iconv wrapper library |
55 | 1,756 | 1,274 | net-ftp | Support for the File Transfer Protocol. |
56 | 1,833 | 1,396 | fileutils | Several file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc. |
57 | 1,859 | 1,467 | rss | Family of libraries that support various formats of XML "feeds". |
58 | 2,034 | 1,920 | forwardable | Provides delegation of specified methods to a designated object. |
59 | 2,220 | 1,110 | zlib | Ruby interface for the zlib compression/decompression library |
60 | 2,224 | 301 | ostruct | Class to build custom data structures, similar to a Hash. |
61 | 2,240 | 1,333 | time | Extends the Time class with methods for parsing and conversion. |
62 | 2,259 | 1,682 | typeprof | TypeProf performs a type analysis of non-annotated Ruby code.
It abstractly executes i... |
63 | 2,359 | 3,404 | english | Require 'English.rb' to reference global variables with less cryptic names. |
64 | 2,623 | 1,321 | gserver | GServer implements a generic server |
65 | 2,646 | 2,170 | io-wait | Waits until IO is readable or writable without blocking. |
66 | 2,664 | 2,122 | scanf | scanf is an implementation of the C function scanf(3). |
67 | 2,681 | 1,623 | open3 | Popen, but with stderr, too |
68 | 2,728 | 948 | observer | Implementation of the Observer object-oriented design pattern. |
69 | 2,744 | 1,463 | erb | An easy to use but powerful templating system for Ruby. |
70 | 2,765 | 3,908 | did_you_mean | The gem that has been saving people from typos since 2014. |
71 | 2,892 | 1,582 | yaml | YAML Ain't Markup Language |
72 | 2,907 | 1,781 | resolv | Thread-aware DNS resolver library in Ruby. |
73 | 2,909 | 1,419 | fiddle | A libffi wrapper for Ruby. |
74 | 3,109 | 1,708 | singleton | The Singleton module implements the Singleton pattern. |
75 | 3,221 | 1,759 | abbrev | Calculates a set of unique abbreviations for a given set of strings |
76 | 3,332 | 1,953 | resolv-replace | Replace Socket DNS with Resolv. |
77 | 3,415 | 1,843 | getoptlong | GetoptLong for Ruby |
78 | 3,580 | 6,582 | syck | A gemified version of Syck from Ruby's stdlib. Syck has been removed from
Ruby's stdli... |
79 | 3,768 | 1,830 | syslog | Ruby interface for the POSIX system logging facility. |
80 | 3,771 | 2,244 | tempfile | A utility class for managing temporary files. |
81 | 3,819 | 3,225 | etc | Provides access to information typically stored in UNIX /etc directory. |
82 | 3,881 | 2,349 | rinda | The Linda distributed computing paradigm in Ruby. |
83 | 3,939 | 2,319 | open-uri | An easy-to-use wrapper for Net::HTTP, Net::HTTPS and Net::FTP. |
84 | 4,574 | 1,329 | pstore | Transactional File Storage for Ruby Objects |
85 | 4,790 | 2,475 | win32api | The wrapper library for win32 API |
86 | 5,040 | 6,254 | shell | An idiomatic Ruby interface for common UNIX shell commands. |
87 | 5,081 | 2,651 | shellwords | Manipulates strings with word parsing rules of UNIX Bourne shell. |
88 | 5,596 | 3,632 | tsort | Topological sorting using Tarjan's algorithm |
89 | 5,827 | 3,735 | readline-ext | Provides an interface for GNU Readline and Edit Line (libedit). |
90 | 5,984 | 3,781 | pathname | Representation of the name of a file or directory on the filesystem |
91 | 6,264 | 8,501 | dbm | Provides a wrapper for the UNIX-style Database Manager Library |
92 | 6,272 | 4,619 | fcntl | Loads constants defined in the OS fcntl.h C header file |
93 | 6,312 | 4,071 | delegate | Provides three abilities to delegate method calls to an object. |
94 | 6,482 | 3,908 | pp | Provides a PrettyPrinter for Ruby objects |
95 | 6,836 | 6,476 | ruby | FIX ME |
96 | 6,864 | 4,372 | prettyprint | Implements a pretty printing algorithm for readable structure. |
97 | 7,024 | 2,678 | error_highlight | The gem enhances Exception#message by adding a short explanation where the exception is... |
98 | 7,033 | 6,106 | tracer | A Ruby tracer |
99 | 7,044 | 3,111 | rubygems-generate_index | Generates the index files for a gem server directory |
100 | 7,053 | 1,962 | repl_type_completor | Type based completion for REPL. |
101 | 7,790 | 5,904 | readline | This is just a loader for "readline". If Ruby has the "readline-ext" gem
that is a nati... |
102 | 7,866 | 6,663 | minitest-power_assert | Power Assert for Minitest. |
103 | 7,881 | 11,131 | logger-application | Add logging support to your application. |
104 | 8,162 | 4,138 | tmpdir | Extends the Dir class to manage the OS temporary file path. |
105 | 8,235 | 4,968 | cmath | CMath is a library that provides trigonometric and transcendental functions for complex... |
106 | 8,335 | 5,660 | un | Utilities to replace common UNIX commands |
107 | 8,413 | 12,262 | gdbm | Ruby extension for GNU dbm. |
108 | 8,695 | 5,127 | find | This module supports top-down traversal of a set of file paths. |
109 | 9,220 | 5,648 | weakref | Allows a referenced object to be garbage-collected. |
110 | 9,574 | 23,968 | yao | YAO is a Yet Another OpenStack API Wrapper that rocks!! |
111 | 9,842 | 4,670 | syntax_suggest | When you get an "unexpected end" in your syntax this gem helps you find it |
112 | 9,974 | 4,847 | io-nonblock | Enables non-blocking mode with IO class |
113 | 10,716 | 6,085 | test-unit-ruby-core | Additional test assertions for Ruby standard libraries. |
114 | 10,780 | 11,801 | itamae-plugin-recipe-rbenv | Itamae plugin to install ruby with rbenv |
115 | 11,560 | 11,603 | mathn | Deprecated library that extends math operations. |
116 | 12,087 | 45,971 | rubygems-mirror | This is an update to the old `gem mirror` command. It uses net/http/persistent
and thre... |
117 | 13,475 | 6,117 | sdbm | Provides a simple file-based key-value store with String keys and values. |
118 | 13,888 | 45,971 | tdiary | tDiary is so called Weblog. |
119 | 14,823 | 13,768 | jenkins-plugin-runtime | I'll think of a better description later, but if you're reading this, then I haven't |
120 | 16,109 | 21,710 | capistrano-stretcher | capistrano task for stretcher. |
121 | 17,699 | 18,215 | hikidoc | 'HikiDoc' is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. |
122 | 18,517 | 15,207 | atig | Atig.rb is Twitter Irc Gateway. |
123 | 18,733 | 12,360 | tdiary-contrib | tDiary contributions package that includes plugins, styles, utilities, libraries, filte... |
124 | 19,252 | 20,042 | sidekiq-scheduler-notification | Slack notification middleware for sidekiq-scheduler |
125 | 19,679 | 13,921 | gemstash | Gemstash acts as a local RubyGems server, caching copies of gems from RubyGems.org auto... |
126 | 20,006 | 13,482 | tk | Tk interface module using tcltklib. |
127 | 20,538 | 22,746 | takosan | Ruby wrapper of Takosan |
128 | 21,423 | 9,988 | bundler-graph | `graph` generates a PNG file of the current `Gemfile(5)` as a dependency graph. |
129 | 22,170 | 67,808 | agig | another Github IRC Gateway |
130 | 22,358 | 7,958 | win32ole | Provides an interface for OLE Automation in Ruby |
131 | 24,960 | 14,509 | kaname | Identity configuration tool for OpenStack. You can apply simple YAML definition into Ke... |
132 | 25,675 | 18,750 | kakine | Security Group configuration tool for OpenStack. You can apply simple YAML definition i... |
133 | 26,470 | 20,042 | jpi | Allows you to generate a new Ruby plugin project, build it, test it in Jenkins and rele... |
134 | 28,361 | 67,808 | tdiary-style-gfm | GFM Style for tDiary |
135 | 28,794 | 9,728 | monitor | Provides an object or module to use safely by more than one thread |
136 | 29,433 | 67,808 | tdiary-blogkit | tDiary BlogKit modifies tDiary. This modification enables tDiary to manage articles by ... |
137 | 30,836 | 33,464 | mackerel-rb | Yet another mackerel client for Ruby. |
138 | 32,130 | 21,710 | capistrano-stretcher-rails | rails specific tasks for capistrano-stretcher |
139 | 34,143 | 18,215 | profile | Profile provides a way to Profile your Ruby application. |
140 | 36,722 | 14,295 | rubygems-server | Gem::Server and allows users to serve gems for consumption by `gem --remote-install`. |
141 | 38,429 | 21,710 | profiler | Easy, targeted Ruby profiling |
142 | 44,621 | 22,746 | rake-confirm | Confirmation for destructive Rails task. |
143 | 45,526 | 67,808 | rubyvm | RubyVM |
144 | 49,859 | 67,808 | acts_as_bits | ActiveRecord plugin that maintains massive flags in one column |
145 | 52,233 | 67,808 | coverage | output-format is XHTML1.0 strict credit goes to NAKAMURA Hiroshi, which made the origi... |
146 | 54,665 | 38,090 | omniauth-colormeshop | OmniAuth Strategy for ColorMeShop API |
147 | 55,630 | 20,830 | kakin | kakin is resource calcuration tool for OpenStack |
148 | 58,746 | 27,344 | gyomu_ruby | GyomuRuby |
149 | 62,810 | 29,831 | heroku_scale_scheduler | scaling scheduler for heroku dynos/workers |
150 | 67,522 | 67,808 | furik | A summary generator of GitHub activity for retrospective. |
151 | 70,367 | 38,090 | auto_truncated_logger | logger of auto truncated old file. |
152 | 71,670 | 45,971 | lrama | LALR (1) parser generator written by Ruby |
153 | 73,644 | 67,808 | capistrano-stretcher-npm | npm task for capistrano-stretcher |
154 | 73,907 | 67,808 | tdiary-style-rd | RD Style for tDiary |
155 | 76,212 | 67,808 | delayed_job_slack_notification | Slack notifier for pending jobs of Delayed Job. |
156 | 82,174 | 38,090 | ikachan | Ruby wrapper of Ikachan |
157 | 84,443 | 67,808 | rake-contrib | Additional libraries for Rake |
158 | 98,627 | 21,710 | js | JavaScript bindings for ruby.wasm. This gem provides a way to use JavaScript functional... |
159 | 100,188 | 45,971 | rubygems-yomikomu | rubygems hooks for yomikomu |
160 | 103,995 | 67,808 | tdiary-style-etdiary | etDiary Style for tDiary |
161 | 106,497 | 45,971 | fiber | Fiber is an open source content engine for Ruby. |
162 | 108,550 | 67,808 | tdiary-cache-redis | tDiary cache with redis |
163 | 111,243 | 67,808 | tdiary-io-rdb | rdb adapter for tDiary |
164 | 117,065 | 67,808 | log_minimal | Ruby port of Log::Minimal. |
165 | 132,637 | 67,808 | sqale | Write a gem description |
166 | 136,532 | 67,808 | tdiary-style-emptdiary | emptDiary Style for tDiary |
167 | 138,910 | 67,808 | rack-nojs | treat script tag in response.body when access with old mobile phone. |
168 | 140,872 | 67,808 | tdiary-cache-memcached | tDiary cache with memcached |
169 | 155,544 | 67,808 | tdiary-coffeescript | CoffeeScript Filter for tDiary. |
170 | 175,561 | 67,808 | gem-ext-cleaner | Clean up unnecessary extension files for gem command. |
171 | 181,940 | 67,808 | win32-registry | Provides an interface to the Windows Registry in Ruby |
172 | 182,979 | 67,808 | net-http-sspi | implements bindings to Win32 SSPI functions, focused on authentication to a proxy serve... |