Tarcieri's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17167nio4rNew IO for Ruby
2139198eventmachineEventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communicat...
3144183sidekiqSimple, efficient background processing for Ruby.
41921,017timersPure Ruby one-shot and periodic timers.
52171,495celluloidCelluloid enables people to build concurrent programs out of concurrent objects just as...
6238227httpAn easy-to-use client library for making requests from Ruby. It uses a simple method ch...
72791,631celluloid-ioEvented IO for Celluloid actors
8336321open4open child process with handles on pid, stdin, stdout, and stderr: manage child process...
9404715systemuuniversal capture of stdout and stderr and handling of child process pid for windows, *...
10627460require_allA wonderfully simple way to load your code
11630403ed25519A Ruby binding to the Ed25519 elliptic curve public-key signature system described in R...
12690793macaddrcross platform mac address determination for ruby
131,216347rbnaclThe Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library provides a high-level toolkit for buildi...
141,3481,751buftokBufferedTokenizer extracts token delimited entities from a sequence of string inputs
151,6523,242fattra "fatter attr" for ruby
161,6661,681optionsparse options from *args cleanly
171,7272,813eventmachine_httpserverEventMachine HTTP Server
181,8461,639cool.ioCool.io provides a high performance event framework for Ruby which uses the libev C lib...
191,9005,323sessionpersistent connections with external programs like bash
202,0303,860rbnacl-libsodiumrbnacl with bundled libsodium
212,1102,396socketrySocketry wraps Ruby's sockets with an advanced timeout engine which is able to provide ...
222,553543sysrandomSysrandom generates secure random numbers using /dev/urandom, getrandom(), etc
232,9263,306maina class factory and dsl for generating command line programs real quick
242,9483,091arrayfieldsstring/symbol keyword access to arrays
253,3288,865rubyforgeA script which automates a limited set of rubyforge operations. * Run 'rubyforge help'...
263,3985,433lockfilea ruby library for creating perfect and NFS safe lockfiles
284,41317,638configurationruby configuration for your ruby programs
297,5634,642x25519An efficient public key cryptography library for Ruby providing key exchange/agreement ...
318,29722,129timeout-extensionsA timeout extension for Ruby which plugs into multiple timeout backends
339,31614,152reelA Celluloid::IO-powered HTTP server
3410,11715,277iobufferfast buffers for non-blocking IO
3510,42215,527celluloid-redisCelluloid::IO support for the redis-rb library
3612,06410,038ordoTools for working with the Ordo certificate format
3713,96312,867tagztagz.rb is generates html, xml, or any sgml variant like a small ninja running ...
3814,35517,269cryptorA safe Ruby encryption library, designed to support features likemultiple active encryp...
3916,54547,366celluloid-zmqCelluloid bindings to the ffi-rzmq library
4017,02810,605rails-authA plugin-based framework for supporting multiple authentication and authorization syste...
4117,20430,638revRev is a Ruby binding to the libev high performance event library
4219,80634,141dcellDCell is an distributed object framework based on Celluloid built on 0MQ and Zookeeper
4320,11630,638terminatoran external timeout mechanism based on processes and signals
4421,04319,754reel-rackRack adapter for Reel
4622,65518,104slaveeasily start a drb server in another process
4724,22528,123openssl-nonblockNon-blocking support for Ruby OpenSSL
4927,44911,660forkoffdescription: forkoff kicks the ass
5027,95721,240threadifymakes it stupid easy to process a bunch of data using n worker threads
5130,19366,945distribustreamDistribuStream is a fully open peercasting system allowing on-demand or live streaming ...
5230,96966,945kirkKirk is a wrapper around Jetty that hides all of the insanity and wraps your Rack appli...
5331,51315,527miscreantMisuse-resistant authenticated symmetric encryption
5431,86421,240smartimageSmartImage provides a cross-platform solution for image compositing that works on both ...
5535,36366,945shareda clean way to factor class/instance mixins in ruby
5637,70266,945flingFling is a system for automating the exchange of files and directoriesover Tahoe-LAFS, ...
5739,91134,141rqruby queue is a zero-admin zero-configuration tool used to create instant unix clusters
6044,32366,945eventmachine-win32Ruby/EventMachine socket engine library- binary gem for Win32
6145,13147,366revactorRevactor is an Actor implementation for writing high performance concurrent programs
6451,84866,945irustiRust is an interactive REPL for Rust
6554,39666,945magicloaderPainless code dependency management. Think Bundler, but for managing file load or...
6856,72466,945tumblra command line utility and library which interfaces to the excellent tumblr blogging pl...
7061,54530,638stashstash, a lower-level mustache
7162,53626,183red25519Ruby wrappers for the Ed25519 public key signature system
7266,62066,945tjsonA JSON-compatible serialization format with rich type annotations
7676,82334,141pistachioPistachio provides a simple HTTP long polling middleware for Rack which is backed by th...
7779,91366,945latticeA concurrent realtime web framework for Ruby
7885,68766,945esrlThe author was too lazy to write a description
7989,18666,945load_globLoad all files matching a given glob, resolving dependencies automagically
8290,94747,366raptchadescription: raptcha kicks the ass
8595,97566,945lightrailLightrail slims Rails down to the bare essentials great JSON web services crave
8696,30447,366celluloid-dnsCelluloid::DNS provides a high-performance DNS client resolver and server which can b...
87101,73034,141ring-nativeSnapshots of the *ring* cryptography library (ring-ffi) packages as gems
90111,41066,945turbinePerformance-oriented stream processing built on Kafka and Zookeeper
91115,48066,945objecthashA way to cryptographically hash objects (in the JSON-ish sense) that works cross-langua...
92115,77366,945eventmachine_snmpagentEvented SNMP Agent
101124,54466,945cryptosphereA decentralized globally distributed peer-to-peer data archive
102130,40366,945runtime_infoGetting information about the current Ruby environment can be a bit arcane. Lots of sol...
103130,74947,366reeltalkWeb chat system using Celluloid+Reel+Websockets
104131,06866,945zserA protobuf-inspired minimalistic serialization format with cryptographic authentication
105132,19666,945cifCryptosphere Identity Format (CIF) parser/generator
106133,69166,945confusionAn easy-to-use system for confidential messaging
107134,20666,945youre_doing_it_wrongWarns you if you're doing it wrong
108135,52066,945epiphyteImmutable configuration management for disposable infrastructures
109135,60066,945webbusCapability-based message bus for sockets and websockets clients
110138,08466,945xstreamXSTREAM combines the X25519 Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman function" "with HKDF and the ...
111147,03066,945boulangerieBoulangerie provides schemas, creation, and verification for the Macaroons bearer crede...
112148,31766,945hyprSuch Hypr! Very speed!
113159,67066,945ithosRuby client library for Ithos, a modern LDAP-like directory server with support for sto...
114160,94166,945searSigned/encrypted archive: a security-oriented tar-like archive format supporting Ed2551...
115161,38047,366socketry-asyncSocketry::Async provides a modern asynchronous I/O framework for Ruby based on the Sock...
116162,64766,945jmseAn interoperable, minimalist signing and encryption format for JSON messages.
117162,90766,945zsessionA lightweight implementation of zcreds designed specifically for the session token use ...
118163,46066,945zcredFlexible modern credential format built on advanced cryptography
119163,58866,945sivchainAdvanced symmetric encryption using the AES-SIV (RFC 5297) and CHAIN constructions
120163,76066,945zhashzser content hashing algorithm
121164,84447,366placerAutomates Deployment via ssh and sftp. Focuses on simplicity.
122165,63366,945armisticeHardware private key storage for next-generation cryptography (e.g. BLS) initially targ...
123165,91766,945aes-sidHardware private key storage for next-generation cryptography (e.g. BLS) initially targ...
124166,49066,945keyuriKeyURI leverages the URI generic syntax defined in RFC 3986 to provide simple and succi...
125166,87066,945mincMIscreaNt Cryptotool
126167,12866,945veriformCryptographically verifiable data serialization format inspired by Protocol Buffers, us...
127167,69166,945verihashStructured hashing algorithm that works across multiple formats (Veriform, TJSON)
128168,39766,945cryptouriCryptoURI is a URN-like namespace for encoding various cryptographic objects, inclu...
129180,05466,945http-rspecInclude helpfull matchers for mathing statuscodes